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• Zayn •

"Aye mates! Can you stop eye fucking each other, I'm trying to eat my food."

I said before turning my attention back to the sandwich in my hand. Even though I didn't have my eyes on them I could almost feel Harry's eyes burning into me in shock. I continued to eat barely able to hold back the laughter but I didn't wanting to choke of course. He muttered something along the lines of 'fuck off' or 'sod off' maybe I couldn't really hear him. When I looked up Niall was just grinning like a madman obviously enjoying Harry's embarrassment.

Now I'm not blind and I can definitely tell that something....off has been occurring between Niall and Harry. I mean they've been much closer and in fact it started around the time Eleanor can onto the tour with us and I just can't shake this odd feeling that something deeper is going on.

Just yesterday is a perfect example for what I'm observing. Harry was obviously hurt about what Louis did and man I mean who wouldn't right? It was wrong and I would fully take Harry's side on the subject. Niall jumped to his protection though immediately, before any of us could get a word in on the subject.

Niall literally exploded and when I say exploded I mean like a super nova explosion of a thousand suns or like a freakin nuclear bomb. I'd never seen the Irishman so....angry. It definitely wasn't a pretty sight. Remind me to never get on his bad side? Anyways the look that he left on Louis face as he walked away probably mirrored mine since it was pure surprise.

Now that's just Niall's side of my argument. Now as for Harry? The evidence was clear on his face right now. As Niall and Liam got up to throw away their plates Harry's face fell and he looked as though someone told his his dog just died. He looked scared honestly a though being without Niall even for just a second was detrimental. He barely even noticed my eyes on him as his darted from the door and over to Louis before pulling out his phone probably to avoid participating in and conversation.

He looked like a constipated monkey.....just saying.

I kind of felt invisible sitting here because Louis was trying not to make it obvious he was looking at Harry, but it was. I think he wanted to say something but as his mouth opened his eyes caught mine and he instantly shut it leaning back against his chair with his eyes closed. Ok maybe he did notice I was there. It was no matter because the thick silence in the room was interrupted by Liam as he stuck his head in the door.

"Alright lads back to rehearsal." I stood up but not as fast as Harry seeing as he jumped up and darted out the door past Liam. My eyebrow raised and I looked over to Liam who was just smirking mouthing, 'I'll tell you later.' Interesting.

When we got to the rehearsal area of course Harry and Niall were already there. If not for the sounds of our footsteps they probably would have just stood there staring at each other but I could tell Niall heard us because he backed away from Harry. Almost trying to purposely distance himself. I wonder what changed.


My eyes wandered over my two mates on he couch in the bus. I was in my bunk already and if I had to guess, I don't think they knew I was still awake. After we finished our concert tonight Liam pulled me aside away from the lads and spilled everything. Right now while I watched Niall ad Harry cuddling into one another I definitely could see why he was so sure.

Niall had his arm around Harry's shoulders while curly had his face buried in Niall's side. I raised my eyebrow as I saw his expression and if I could have captured it without letting them know I was awake just to use it against them later I probably would've. Unfortunately this bunk was small and I could barely move would banging against the side.

"Hey Ni? Do you...do you think it's working?"

Working? What's working. I turned my attention back to the pair my curiosity being peaked by their words and my mind wandered with thousands of different options. I won't say any of them as some are a little...mature. Ok anyways I couldn't help but become interested in what they were saying. I was obvious they had a secret they were hiding.

"Definitely Haz, I don't know why you ever doubted me."

A scoff sounded from Harry as he seemed to pull himself closer to Niall and I couldn't help but think that they were way to comfortable being that close but then hey, who was I to judge honestly?

"There was a lot to be worried about you leprechaun!" He said poking at Niall's stomach. "But...I'm really happy...what you're doing...it means so much. I really couldn't ask for a better friend."

Suddenly Niall's grinning face cringed at his words. It looked like something had punched him in the stomach. Maybe Liam was actually right about his feelings but he also seemed pretty confidant about Harry's feelings as well, but from what I was getting here it kinda looked one sided.

Niall's hand clenched around the younger boy's shoulder. "Of course Hazza, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you? I'll always be there for you." His words were forced but I could hear the emotion behind them and I knew he meant it. But he looked almost ready to break, like he was hiding something.

Soon enough I heard them climbing into their bunks and as I looked up at the ceiling of mine their whole conversation replayed in my mind. They were obviously playing something but whatever the hell it was I honestly had no idea. Liam was going to be excited to here about this.


(a/n) arghh this chapter T.T not one of my proudest but I promise, promise, promise this story is just getting started and next chapter oh yeah shizz is gonna go down! Ok so if you all actually don't hate me after this stay tuned because I am working on the next chapter right now!

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