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• Harry •

My heartbeat right now could have been that compared to a hummingbird's wings. I still couldn't believe I was even going through with this plan but to be honest once Niall made the decision I very well couldn't back out. My palms were starting to sweat as I packed up my things in the hotel room to get ready to head down to the tour bus. I turned to head out the door and saw that Niall was already finished and was standing, waiting for me with a grin he was struggling to hide.

"You know, sometimes I think the only reason you wanted to help me was to torture me with these plans of yours." I said with putting air quotes around the word plan and he just laughed while he crossed his arms, leaning back against the door.

"Hey my plan is flawless and you know it." He said with a shrug. "Are you ready for this?" He asked carefully seeming to know how worried I was about it.

As I thought about his question though I found the words harder to agree. I sometimes worried if I was ok, as he spoke I could feel the scars underneath my Jack Willis jacket burning, a reminder of how weak I was. Recently I had been pretty good at pushing those thoughts away but for some reason they just...popped up again. I looked back up towards Niall and I shrugged back. He was always worried about me, whether I'll be alright with everything as if I was breakable. Maybe I was but still, until now I had never thought to question him because he just always seemed......together.

"Are you ready for this?" I answered back with his own question warily.

His eyes seemed to glaze over as he lost himself in deep thought but quickly snapped his attention back to me quickly trying to wipe away his previous expression with a smile. He brushed off my question though quickly changing the subject.

"Of course! Now let's go Liam just texted me that if we don't get our asses on the bus in the next two minutes he's going to tell Louis and I don't want to pass up the offer of seeing his reaction. Do you?" He countered with a cheeky tone to his voice. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his back heading out the door, leaving it open for me to follow.

I just rolled my eyes with a huff and grabbed my bag following after him. I could feel my stomach churning nervously as I closed the door behind me, running towards the open elevator at the end of the hall. Niall held it open for me, an ecstatic expression on his face as he spotted me.

"Glad you could join me Mr. Styles." He said with posh tone to his voice, "May I carry your bag?" He asked with a grin.

Shoving him into the elevator wall playfully I smiled and I shook my head as he dramatically threw himself against the wall feigning his pain. He picked himself up with a laugh looking over towards me. "Anyways enough of that, alright so this is the plan."

I raised my eyebrow looking over at the blond skeptically as he stopped talking probably confused by my face. "You came up with a plan? What else is there to do except walk in there and tell Louis we're together?" The words sounded odd coming from my mouth. I still couldn't believe that Niall thought that was the best way to get Liam and Zayn off of our back. But to also think that they were the ones who come up with the crazy conspiracy that we were dating. My brain was still trying to wrap around the whole thing.

"Well...we have to have a story right? Like how my sexy body seduced you." As he spoke he rubbed his hands up and down his torso. I gaped at him with wide eyes but I had a hard time fighting a smile. After a few seconds of silence we both broke out into laughter not being able to contain it.

"God Niall. That was fantastic really, but I think we'll need something slightly more convincing." I said finally as I looked up at the red numbers of the elevator floors slowly lowering. 29.....28....27.....hmmm I wonder why we were always on the highest floors in our hotels.

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