"I love you"

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I'm Cara Corleone and I'm 24 years old and here I am driving too see my bf who only lives 20 minutes away from me but I barely see him and I have 2 weeks to spend with him. This is gonna be the best 2 weeks in a long time. I opened the door with a great big smile on my small little face. I have a key that he gave me when we first started dating. "Hey, Nathan?" I yelled through the house so that he could hear me. "Cara?, what are you doing here?" He said with a flustered look on his face. "Surprise!" I said with a cheerful expression on my face and a high pitched tone in my voice. "You came here to surprise me?" He asked me. "Yeah I figured since we barely see each other we would spend 2 weeks together" I said hoping he would agree since he didn't seem to excited to see me. "Babe this is really sweet,really it is and I appreciate You coming here to see me but I don't think you being here is good for me right now." He said with an air of sympathy. I was confused. Yes we have been a bit distant
recently but he always has complained how we haven't seen each other recently. "But I though you wanted too see me?" I questioned with  puppy eyes. "Oh fine you can stay here but we can't spend everyday together I have a lot of work to do" my bf stated while chuckling cuz I used my irresistible puppy eyes on him. Hehe. I went upstairs to his room and started to unpack my stuff. He had empty drawers from the last time I was here so I put all the stuff I packed in them. "Everything okay?" My bf questioned as I was putting the last final things away. "Yeah,everything's fine, the empty drawers were handy." I stated as is looked up at him smiling. "That elusive smile." Nathan quietly said as if it was a whisper but loud enough to hear. As he said that I swear I saw some sort of glimmer or shine in his eyes. Suddenly a tear ran down his face. "Nathan,what's wrong ,is everything okay?" I questioned him with a concerned look on my face. I honestly didn't know what was wrong, he was smiling not even a minute ago,and now tears ran down his face. He started to turn pale. Nathan's peachy face were soaked and tear marks were very visible. It broke my heart. No it shattered my heart. Nathan is my only love and to see the person you love cry,hurts so much. Finally he opened his mouth and words came out. "Yeah babe,everything is fine, I promise." He reassured me. "Ok just please let me know if something is wrong." I said with a hint of worry while I hugged him.

Nathan's POV:
As I saw Cara smile is made me think to myself. I've done something wrong and Cara definitely does not deserve to be with someone like me. As I thought this to myself I cried. Shit. I'm crying in front of her. Now i'm gonna have to act as everything is ok but she's not gonna believe me as i'm crying. The more I thought about what I did the more tears left my eyes and rolled down my face. This is not good. Nathan stop crying. Cara is right in front of you. "Nathan,what's wrong is everything okay?" Cara questioned me with a concerned look on her beautiful face. I just stood there. Tears rolling down my face,sniffling and not knowing what to do. Ah quick Nathan say something. Quick. Finally the words come out of my mouth. "Yeah babe,everything is fine,I promise." I reassured her. "Ok just please let me know if something is wrong." Cara said as she hugged me. I could tell she didn't believe me because I could hear the worry in her voice as she calmly said that. Oh gosh. Nathan you are an idiot. "Hey babe,you know I love you,right? I asked Cara as if I already knew the answer. Oh gosh I sound so sus right now.  Nathan you really are a dumbass.

Back to Cara's POV:
I didn't believe him. Why would Nathan cry if everything was ok. I decided not to push the answer out of him. Every time I tried to do that in the past it would just start an argument and I really didn't want to argue with Nathan over this. Not now. Not when I just got here. He'll tell me when he wants. I just hope it's soon. Suddenly Nathan asks me "Hey babe,you know I love you,right?" Why would he randomly ask me that. He already knows the answer to that. Why would he just question that out of the blue. Had I done anything to make him think that? I can't think of anything I could have done that would make him think that. "Of course I know that Nathan,why would you ask that when you already know the answer?" I reassured him but also questioned at the same time. "Oh no reason,I just wanted to hear you say you knew haha." Nathan said sounding hesitant about what he just said. "Um ok well listen,I love you." I said since I felt kinda weird about him just asking me that out of the blue. "I love you too..." he mumbled. I don't understand what has gotten into him but I guess maybe he just did want to hear me say it but it's just a bit weird. Eh I'm not gonna question him about it. "Ok well it's almost 11pm so I'm going to head to bed,join me? I offered hoping he would agree. "Um maybe later babe,I'm gonna finish some work first,that ok? He asked. "Yeah of course,well goodnight,I love you." I said while getting into bed. "I love you too." He replied while walking out of the room and down the stairs. I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling,still wondering why Nathan would ask me if I knew that he loves me. We've been together for 2 years now so it's just really confusing me. Oh Cara just leave it. Just sleep it off. And after that I drifted off to sleep. Still I know he loves me and I hope he know that I love him too...

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