"You Promised"

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TW:violence,mention of blood,weapons
Hearing Marcell's gut wrenching scream broke me inside. My heart shattered into a million pieces. The tears that filled my eyes fell.
"Cara keep fighting,Marcell will be fine,I promise." Valerie said too me while shooting.
I put my gun back into position and continued too shoot. Marcell is counting on us. If he's gonna survive he'll need us throughout the way. I need him. He needs me. I'll fight for the rest of my life if I have too. For him. I'll do whatever it takes too be with him. He's mine.
Dead bodies.
That's what filled the last 20 minutes until we finally ran out of there.
"Everyone ok?" Cade asked.
Everyone nodded their heads but me. I was staring into space. All that was going through my mind was what could have happened too Marcell. He never made it out. Last thing I heard from him was the scream.
What if he's dead?
"Cara?" Valerie asked me.
I snapped back into focus and looked at her with tears in my eyes. She kneeled down to hug me and She fell down with me in her arms.
"He promised me." I whispered while letting all my tears falling out.
I let out a loud scream. Letting everything out off me.
"He'll be ok,this isn't the first time,yes it's worse but he's strong,he'll pull through,I know it." Valerie said while hugging me.
At this point I was crying rivers. We waited. Just one sign from Marcell is all we needed. That's it. That was yet too come. After 15 gruelling minutes I finally had enough. I started to walk.
"CARA,WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!" Axel yelled while grabbing my arm causing me too stop walking.
"To find Marcell." I said looking at him getting my arm out of his grasp.
"It's too dangerous!" He hissed at me.
"Do you think I care?" I asked rhetorically.
"You should,if there's anything more important too Marcell than himself,it's you Cara." Axel explained trying too stop me.
"Please just wait." Vincent begged.
I looked around.
All eyes were on me.
"Fine" I said after taking a deep sigh.
Suddenly gunshots.
"What,what was that?" I asked even though I knew the answer.
A wall blew up.
I covered my eyes after it was all done.
I opened my eyes. It was Marcell.
Everyone smiled too see him alive.
"Let's go!" He yelled.
"Cara come with me." He said.
I ran up too him. I screamed at what I saw. His stomach was bleeding. It wouldn't stop. He groaned in pain.
No matter how much pressure I put on the wound blood wouldn't stop pouring out.
"Love,what happened?" I asked While holding him.
"The bastard stabbed me." He said while holding my shoulder.
He groaned of pain again.
"Boss,let's get you too the hospital." Roman said.
"No don...." Marcell faintly said.
Suddenly he lost consciousness. No no. Please no!
"MARCELL DON'T DIE ON ME!" I said while crying.
"Ok get him in the Car and we'll all drive to the hospital, Cara drive his car." Cade told me.
I didn't waste anytime. I immediately got into the car and drove as fast as I could. I was determined to get Marcell there as fast I could. I couldn't let him die on me. He promised. We finally arrived and I ran in. They immediately noticed who it was. They took him too a room to treat him.
"Alright Me,Cara,Valerie, Axel, Roman and Jax will stay at the hospital,the rest of you,go home." Cade told all the other men.
"Yes Cade." They all said and left in a rush.
"Ms Conti is it?" A nurse came up too me and asked.
"Um yeah,what is it?" I asked.
"Mr Conti has suffered from severe blood loss,it's too early too know if he'll pull through but he is stable right now." She explained too me.
"Ok, thank you." I thanked her.
She went back into the room.
"Cara,maybe you should go home." Valerie said.
"No I'm staying, I'll stay with him for as long as I need too." I said with an annoyed look on my face.
"But you need rest." Jax said concerned.
"I'll rest when I know he's ok." I explained too them.
"There is no point in trying too change your mind,is there?" Cade asked rhetorically.
I nodded my head no.
"Alright,well we are gonna head home." Cade told me.
I nodded my head.
"Ok." I said looking at him.
They all hugged me goodbye.
I remained sat in the small chair outside of his room. I had blood all over me. Lots of it was Marcell's. His blood is all over me. I didn't even care about my hygiene at this point. He promised. He promised nothing would happen too him. Lies. Lies is all it was.
"Ms Conti,you can see Mr Conti." The nurse from before told me.
"Thank you." I said smiling at her.
I walked into the room too see Marcell. His face had no expression and his hair had blood in it. He had bandages on his stomach after the surgery. He was hooked up too all these machines and had IV's in him. My heart shattered yet again. He was hurt. This is my fault. It's my fault he is hurt. I walked over too him and held his hand.
All that could be heard was the ventilator keeping him alive. I looked at him and moved his hair out of his face. I whimpered.
"You promised" I whispered still holding his hand.
Suddenly a knock on the door changed my focus.
"Hi I'm his doctor, just here too check on him." The doctor said walking in.
"We do have some news." He said while walking over too me.
"You do?" I asked him.
"He's stable right now but the only thing keeping him alive right now is the ventilator, luckily no vital organ were damaged but, he has too be strong enough too pull through and stay alive without the ventilator so we have too wait for that too happen." The doctor explained too me.
"So basically he's dead but he's still living because of the machine thing?" I asked.
"The ventilator, yes." The doctor replied.
"Ok thank you." I thanked the doctor.
"I'll be back too check on him in a bit." The doctor said.
He exited the room and I walked back over too Marcell. I interlocked my fingers with his.
"Don't die on me." I whispered.
After about 20 minutes I went over too the chain near his bed and drifted off too sleep. It's been a crazy 24 hours. But I don't want too take my eyes off Marcell just in case anything happens.

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