"The War is On"

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Marcell kept holding my hand from across the table. He then focused on my face and made eye contact with me. My pulse was racing. My heart was beating that it was too fast to count how many times it has beat. I was all flustered. I was giddy when I could smell his scent again. After about 5 seconds the waiter came back and gave us our food. He placed the salad right in front of me and it looked amazing. It smelled amazing and I was sooo ready to eat it.
"Anything too drink?" The waiter asked.
"A bottle of red wine please." Marcell said.
"Of course sir." The waiter said.
The waiter then left and I started too eat my salad. Ahhhhhhh. Can I have this everyday? It's soo good. I finished in about 20 minutes and let me tell you it was the best salad that I have ever had in my life. The waiter came back and placed a bucket full of ice and a bottle of wine on our table.
"Your wine sir." The waiter said.
"Thank you." Marcell said.
The waiter then left.
"How was your food?" Marcell asked.
"It was amazing!" I exclaimed.
"I know,after all it is my restaurant." Marcell said while chuckling.
"Bit narcissistic are we now?" I asked rhetorically.
"Oh you know you love me." Marcell said with a smirk on his face.
"That I do." I said.
"Well guess what" Marcell said.
"What?" I questioned.
"I love you too." He said while smiling at me.
I smiled and I started too blush.
"There it is,there is that blinding smile I think about every time I close my eyes." He expressed.
I started to blush even more. He opens the bottle of wine and poured some in my glass. I drank it slowly and I just knew that it was expensive. After about 20 minutes the wine was finished and the waiter appeared again.
"The check." He said and left it on the table.
"Thank you." Marcell said.
The waiter then left.
I quickly lifted up the check too see the price.
It all added up too $90.38. Damn that's some expensive food. I can't possible let Marcell pay for it. I reached for my purse and pulled out my wallet.
"What do you think you're doing?" Marcell asked in a cold tone.
"Paying for dinner." I said while counting my money.
"I'll pay." Marcell said.
"No it's ok I can't let you." I said.
"Why not?" Marcell asked.
"Because then I'll feel guilty." I explained.
"Mi amore,I brought you here,it's ok and I sure as hell am not gonna leave here knowing that you paid for dinner." Marcell expressed.
"Ok fine." I groaned while crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.
Marcell placed 200 dollars on the check.
The waiter came back up to get the check.
"Keep the change and the extra hundred dollars is your tip." Marcell said while smiling at the waiter.
"Thank you so much Sir!" The waiter exclaimed.
"No thank you for an amazing night." Marcell said.
The waiter left with a big smile on his face.
"Well that was very sweet." I said while looking at Marcell with my eyebrows raised.
"Believe it or not I actually have a heart." Marcell said while a smirk appeared on his face.
I chucked.
"Come on,let's go home." Marcell said while getting up.
"Ugh why?" I asked while getting up from off my chair.
"Why,so I can punish you of course." Marcell explained.
I chuckled.
"Well then we best get going." I said.
We walked downstairs to outside the front of the restaurant and into his car. He started to drive and said
"I am gonna punish you very hard." Marcell expressed.
"I look forward too it." I replied.
"Well then we better get home as fast as we can." Marcell said while still driving.

Mature scene: do not read it you are not 13+:

After about 40 minutes we finally were home and I saw that the time was 8:00pm. Damn we were out for that long. Gosh. Marcell walked up to the front door I walked inside and waited for him to get inside. As soon as he got inside I ran up the stairs and he chased after me. I ran into his room and realised that I had gotten myself in a dead end.
"There's no escape princess." Marcell said while walking up behind me.
I could feel his breathe on my neck.
I turned around too see that he was right behind me. I jumped at his presence.
"Please,I'll be a good girl,I promise." I pleaded.
This is a fun game. We should play it more often.
"I'm sorry but you should have thought about that before you called me a piece of shit." He expressed.
I walked around him to find me standing just at the edge of the bed. He pushed me to make me fall onto the bed. I pushed myself to where my head started at the top of the bed and my feet just a section before the end. He got on top of me and whispered
"This is your punishment."
"Get on with it then." I said while staring into his eyes.
"As you wish." He said.
He took of his shirt and threw it across the room.
"Wait." I said.
"What?" He asked.
I got off the bed and went across to Valerie's room. I opened the door to find her fast asleep. Damn she sleeps early I guess or maybe she was just really tired. Either one. I ran back to our room.
"What was that about?" Marcell asked.
"Val's asleep so we can." I said.
"Get on the fucking bed now!" Marcell yelled.
I wasted no time. I got back on the bed and he got back on top of me. He rapidly removed my shirt and unhooked my bra throwing them both somewhere where it couldn't be seen. In a blink of an eye he removed my pants and spread my legs apart. He removed his and took out protection. He ripped it open and rapidly put it on. He placed it inside of me but after that there was no mercy.
"Say you're sorry!" He yelled.
"Sorry for what?" I questioned while he continued to fuck me.
"For calling me a piece of shit." He said.
"No." I said while heavily breathing.
"Alright then" he said while giving me mischievous look.
He went harder.
I sighed of pleasure but also it was painful. It hurt yet it felt so good.  Sex is weird.
"Ready to say you are sorry?"He asked while heavily breathing.
"I don't think so." I said while my eyes widened.
He went harder and harder every time I said no to saying sorry. He went really hard to the point where I let out a load moan. He covered my mouth to make it sound muffled. I continued to moan.
"AH FUCK!" I screamed.
"I'M SORRY!" I screamed.
"See was that so hard?" He asked rhetorically while slowing down.
He started to kiss me and then bit my neck. I sighed. I kissed him with so much desperation and passion.
"Fuck." He groaned.
"Want me too stop?" He asked.
"Please don't." I said.
"As you wish mi amore." He said.
He continued and went harder again. He started to kiss every inch of my body until we stopped. He got off me and we both layed there heavily breathing. He got back on top of me and said
"You never screamed my name."
"Oh well that's a shame." I said while kissing my teeth.
He placed it back inside of me and went as hard as he possibly could.
"Ah fuck!" I yelled again.
"SAY MY NAME!" He yelled.
"MARCELL!" I screamed.
I didn't scream because he wanted to hear it though. I did it because I wanted too. I wanted him to give me everything he got. I wanted to be hurt but yet feel so good. I wanted him to take me. He then finally got off of me after 30 minutes and layed there heavily breathing.
"I told you I'd punish you." He said.
"That you did." I replied.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked.
"Yes but it felt so damn good." I said.
"Nice to know I'm good." He said while chuckling.
"I'm probably not gonna be able to walk love." I said while laughing.
"It's ok,I'll carry you." He said while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I looked at the time too see that it was 10:30pm.
"We better get some sleep." Marcell said.
"Yeah." I agreed.
I cuddled up with him and drifted off too sleep. This night was amazing.

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