Chapter 16

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At the feast, tensions were high between Katherine Howard and Elizabeth. Even when they sat down at the long table for supper, everyone could sense it. Anne of Cleves noticed the flares that Katherine Howard had sent to Elizabeth and she didn't much like it. Elizabeth was her closest friend, ever since she helped her adjust to the English court. An idea popped in her head and she smiled. Anne of Cleves turned to the young Queen and said to her, trying to advert the girl's attention from the princess, "Shall we dance, Your Majesty?" Katherine Howard grinned and said to Henry, her eyes begging, "May I, Your Majesty?" Henry nodded with a smile and replied, "Of course, sweetheart." Katherine Howard smiles brightly as she and Anne of Cleves made their way to the center of the room. While his young wife was distracted, Henry diverted his attention to his eldest child. He smiled gently at the young woman and said to her, "Elizabeth, I heard that you and the Queen argued." Elizabeth's eyes widened and replied, nodding, "Yes, Papa. Her Majesty asked me for my opinion on why I show Lady Anne of Cleves respect and not herself. I, of course, gave her my opinion, Your Majesty. I told her that I meant no offense." Henry smiled softly at his eldest daughter and said, placing his hand on her own, "I am not angry or upset with you, sweetheart." Elizabeth stared at her father in shock and surprise, not knowing how to respond. Henry leaned towards his daughter and whispered to her, "I have to go on my Northern Progress soon. Katherine has begged me to let her go but I fear that after her false pregnancy, it would harm her ability to carry any children in the future. So, I asked her to stay here. While I am gone, she may be Queen but only in name. Also, while I am gone, I want you to investigate Katherine's past, you and only you. If you must have help, use the people who you trust. The regency will go to you." Elizabeth's eyes widened in more surprise. Her father continued, "This will be your opportunity to show the kingdom...the world...that you can be a Queen who knows what she is capable of."

After learning what her father had said, Elizabeth became ecstatic that her father would trust her with the rulings of the kingdom. As the feast went along, Elizabeth continued to enjoy herself and danced with her loved ones. The princess danced with her husband and giggled as he twirled her around him. James smiled lovingly at his wife and said to her, "There's a spring in your step, my love." Elizabeth grinned and replied, "And some wonderful news I would wish to share with you later in our chambers tonight." James' eyebrow rose in confusion but had a smile on his face. Suddenly, the music stopped and all eyes turned to Henry who stood from his seat. Henry smiled at his court and said to them, "In two days, I will embark on our Northern Progress." The court members let out a cheer and clapped for their king, some were even raising their glasses. Henry raised his hand, silencing the court, and continued, "There is an important matter I wish to discuss. When I was in dire peril, there is a young woman who stepped up into my place and showed great valor in ruling as regent. I will appoint her as regent once more to allow her to show that she can do it once more and prove that she can be Queen when her time comes. *He then turned to Elizabeth, waving his hand towards her* My daughter, Elizabeth 1st Tudor-Valois, Princess of Wales, France, and England." Elizabeth was shocked that her father would announce that she would be regent in front of Katherine, thinking that he would have saved it for later. The court turned to Elizabeth with bright smiles on their faces and bowed/curtsied to her. The person who was the most shocked of all was Katherine Howard and she stood next to Henry, glancing between him and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth 2nd and Mary both raced towards their sister, congratulating her. Elizabeth 1st smiled at everyone's congratulations, nodding in acknowledgement. The princess stood from her seat and walked in front of the table. She stopped in front of her father and curtsied low to him, showing gratitude and respect for him. She turned to her father and said to him, "Thank you for the highest honor, Your Majesty. I won't let you down." Henry smiled at his eldest daughter and walked around the table, standing in front of her. He lifted her out of her curtsy and replied, taking her hands into his own, "I have no doubt that you won't. You are my jewel, the Tudor Rose. You will bring peace and prosperity to England, I can see it." Elizabeth 1st smiled and allowed her father to turn her to face the court as the courtiers applauded her for her new regency. Her eyes landed on her husband and son who clapped for her the loudest. James smiled at his wife and bowed to her, recognizing her regency. As he did, the courtiers followed suite. Elizabeth 1st only smiled in pride and turned to look at her father who grinned at her brightly. She only hoped that her mother was just as proud of her as her father was.

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