Chapter 10

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Later that afternoon, Elizabeth joined her husband and the rest of the court to celebrate the arrival of their new Queen. Henry didn't want to have a very public wedding like his previous ones so he and Kathrine got married in a private ceremony with only a handful of eye witnesses, with Elizabeth and James being two of them. She was then approached by her uncle and Eustace Chapuys. Elizabeth gave the two men a smile and said to them, "Ambassador Chapuys, Uncle. What brings you over here?" Charles replied, smiling at his niece, "Oh, the Ambassador and I were just having a moment of nostalgia and wanted to see how are you faring." Elizabeth chuckled and said, "Well, I am doing well. *She turned to the ambassador, placing her hands on Nicholas' shoulders* Ambassador, have you met my son, Prince Nicholas?" She knew that the Spanish Ambassador was away in Spain during the time she was pregnant with Nicholas and gave birth to him. Ambassador Chapuys smiled and replied, bowing to the young boy in front of him, "I am afraid I have not, Your Royal Highness. Your Highness." Prince Nicholas bowed his head at the Spanish ambassador and said, in Spanish, "¿Cómo está usted, embajadora? Mi madre y mi tía me han hablado mucho de usted." Ambassador Chapuys looked at Elizabeth in shock but impressed and replied to the prince, "Estoy bien, alteza. Sí, tu madre y tu tía son muy amigas mías." Charles and Elizabeth clapped in pride at Nicholas' Spanish. Ambassador Chapuys grinned at Elizabeth and said to her, "He speaks Spanish well, Your Highness." Elizabeth smiled and replied, "Of course, his tutors have told me that he is a wonderful pupil. Spanish was my mother's language so I wanted my son to learn it. Any children I have in the future will learn the language of my mother and the French language of my husband." Ambassador Chapuys nodded in understanding and said to the princess, "The Duke of Suffolk and I were talking about Thomas Boleyn's death." Elizabeth nodded and replied, "I had heard that he died recently. I am sure that the only attendants of his funeral was his children."

Ambassador Chapuys and Charles both nodded in agreement. Their conversation was interrupted when Henry had called their names along with a few other courtiers. James, who was speaking with Mary and Nathaniel, made his way over to his wife. Henry said to the French ambassador,  then addressed to his court, "We are happy to accept your credentials from King Francis, my son-in-law's father. Welcome to our court. I call upon you today to introduce you to my new wife, Queen Katherine. *A few court members shared a skeptical look* I was attracted to her by her notable appearance of honor, cleanness, and maidenly behavior. *The entire time he was saying this, Katherine held his hand and giggling* It seems incredible to obtain such a jewel of womanhood who bears towards me such perfect love. A love that not will only bring  me a peace and tranquility I desire but may also bring forth a desired fruits of such a marriage." Henry then brought Katherine's hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, winking at her as he did. He grabbed a glass and said, raising it, "To Queen Katherine!" The court followed in suite and said, "To Queen Katherine!" Elizabeth then took the time to walk up to her father and whispered something into his ear, causing a few pairs of eyes to fall upon her. Henry grinned at his eldest daughter and said, "Before we dig  into this delicious bountiful of food, my beloved daughter, Princess Elizabeth of Wales, has told me wonderful news. It may seem that we may have a royal child on the way." The court then cheered and clapped at the news of another royal child. James' face lit up and walked over to his wife, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Henry grinned at his beloved daughter and her husband and said to the court, taking off his crown, "Now, let's eat. I'm starving." The court clapped and laughed at Henry's jest then went back to celebrating. Henry sat down next to Katherine and grinned when she brought him into a passionate kiss.

Elizabeth danced among the courtiers with a big smile on her face as she relished in the news of her pregnancy. From the sidelines, James stood by Nathaniel as they both watched their wives dance. Mary and Elizabeth both grinned at each other as they danced with the courtiers. Nathaniel turned to his brother-in-law and said to him, "Congratulations on the new baby, Your Highness. I suppose that you and Her Highness are ecstatic." James nodded with a bright smile and replied, "Yes, we are. I will admit that I was surprised that she didn't tell me first when she had His Majesty announce her pregnancy. I am just worried that the same thing will happen to this child like the last one." Nathaniel whispered, lowering his voice down, "With Elizabeth losing the child or shutting everyone out?" James replied, "The latter, I'm afraid. I love Elizabeth too much for her to shut me out again. I did not take a mistress the first time nor will I ever take a mistress. I know it is the way of court life and expected of the male royal members but I will not put Elizabeth through that pain. She had gone through enough pain of His Majesty taking mistresses and some even went as far as being Queen. I will not allow history to repeat itself through us if Elizabeth takes the throne." Nathaniel only nodded with a sympathetic smile, he was glad to hear that James was staying true to Elizabeth. He cared too much about Elizabeth, as she was his wife's sister and was almost a sister to him. He grew up with no siblings and being a brother-in-law to Elizabeth and James, it seemed as if they were siblings.

Nicholas: "¿Cómo está usted, embajadora? Mi madre y mi tía me han hablado mucho de usted."-- "How are you, Ambassador? My mother and aunt has told me a lot about you."

Ambassador Chapuys: "Estoy bien, alteza. Sí, tu madre y tu tía son muy amigas mías.-- "I'm fine, Your Highness. Yes, your mother and your aunt are very close friends of mine."

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