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Jisung still hadn't quite gotten over the unexpected meeting with his soulmate, but he needs to meet his mother finally. So he takes a deep breath and then sets off.

How does he know where his mother lives? He did some research ...
Well to be honest, he "stalked" her. He has located her location by her cell phone. Yes, he knows it's creepy, but how should he have found her how else.

He goes to the skyscraper where her apartment is. Then he stands in front of the door and looks at the doorbell signs. "Mrs. Park ... number ... 203", he reads softly, then he enters the building and goes straight to the elevator. There he presses the button with the number 2 and then leans against the wall.

The higher the elevator moves, the more nervous Jisung gets and the more difficult it is to breathe. Then the elevator makes a small tone and the door opens. Jisung gets out with an increased heartbeat and looks for apartment 203. When he found it, he stopped in front of the door.

'What should I tell her? She will definitely hate me, after all I left her and faked my death. '

Jisung is in doubt, but he's made it this far. Now he has to finish it too. So he lifts his index finger and rings the bell with a shaky hand. Jisung can hear the sound and waits tense at the door. Nervous, he bites his lower lip and plays with his fingers. And then the time has come.

The door opens and Jisung tears immediately. He recognizes the face and the person opposite him recognizes the boy.
"J-Jisung?" Says Mrs. Park with tears in her eyes. Jisung only nods slightly and Mrs. Park immediately crush at her boy. She takes Jisung tightly in her arms and presses him completely against her.

She is crying in Jisung's chest because he has grown so big and Jisung is crying and sobbing on his mother's shoulder and also hugging her very tightly. He missed exactly that feeling. This security and the love that only a mother can make you feel. After the two have calmed down a bit, Mrs. Park asks her son in and Jisung enters the living room. Then they go into the kitchen together and sit down at a small table.

"H-How? ”Mrs. Park can only manage to say while she pours herself and Jisung a glass of water.
"When the plane crashed, I was in the hospital, but instead of dying as the doctor told you to, I asked him to tell you that O died," he explains to his mother, who then looks at him in shock.

"Why?" She asks, horrified.
"I was feeling weak and I thought I could never be happy with my soulmate, so I thought disappearing was the only solution," he replies.
"But why didn't you ask me for help?" She asks.

"I knew that if I just disappeared they would come to you first, so I had to hide from you too, and the accident was perfect for it," he said.
Mrs. Park was horrified, hurt, and disappointed, but most of all happy. Because now she had her son again, with whom she thought she would only see him again after death.

"I'm sorry Mum, but I thought it was the only way to do," he apologized and looked at his hands.
"It's okay Jisungie. I understand that you were scared and how you acted. I'm just glad you're back," says Mrs. Park and takes her son by the arm again.
"Thanks mum. I just had to see you again," he said, hugging her back.

"But what about your soulmate? Are you going to meet him again?" Jisung already suspected that this question would come up sooner or later.
"I-I don't know. I still love Jaemin, but I left him and hurt him. He'll definitely hate me," he says with a broken voice. Mrs. Park looked at her son. She knows it won't be easy, but Jisung has to meet Jaemin again.

"You have to meet him and tell him the truth. He will forgive you. Because...
he still loves you."

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