Meeting my Idols

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*Niall POV*

Well yay, we get a new person on our tour bus, and I am happy. We don't really know if it is going to be a girl or boy. Either way I know that  I won't care even if they are a total brat. Ok, maybe I will care, but for now I really don't care. (see what I did there Demi Lovato). I hear the guys call my name for sound check and I happily go out of the bus seeing hoards of girls camping out already. Oh, how I love our fans...

*Ali POV*

Night of the concert Omg. I would be lying if I said I freaking out just a little. I smile as I get into my house in L.A. saying hello to my parents, siblings, and talking a little with them. Then after I am done I go pack with newly washed clothes, and pack for two years. I know that is a long time to be away from home, but two years with the hottest guys on the earth heck yes. I finish packing and say goodbye to my family, and entering the van once more. We get to a resturaunt and head to the venue which is ten minutes from here. I already know the drill, because I have went to a Coldplay concert and I already know what to do. I head to the venue and sneak in through the back heading to my special seat and wait for all the girls to come in and the concert to start. I brought out my Iphone 5s and start videotaping the girls coming in, and man there were alot. They saw me video taping them and started screaming and waving. I smiled and paused the video and looked up to see the guys on the stage. I had bodygaurds around me but I had a very good view from my spot. I started video taping while they started off with Best Song Ever. They ended two hours later with my three favorite songs, Save you Tonight, then They don't know about us(I wish) and then More than This, and finally ended with my ultimate favorite song, Little Things. I sang along with Niall and smiled, becasue this was the best day ever. Aftet the show the body guards took me to the guys but before we even got out the secret door, some very stong fans came at me like I was their favorite fooe. I screamed because they grabbed at me and the body guards could'nt fight them off. They told me to run, so I did. I have been here, but fans were still running after me, while I screamed. So, therefore I did not pay attention where I was going, which was straight to the guys. Luckily, when I got to the guys backstage they did not go on them, just on me. I screamed as I fell, and then the worst happened, they jumped on me. They took my favorite flips flops I had on and were getting ready to cut my hair off, when someone picked me up. I immediately ran behing the guy as bodyguards took the girl and made them give me back my shoes back. I still was panting from all the running, and I just sat on the ground. 

"Wow, you have crazy fans, don't you," A familiar Irish voice said. I looked up to the guy who picked me up and found myself face to face with... Niall.

"Ya, I'm sorry I led them here, you know you can't really think when you got a group of girls wanting to kidnap you," I said to 1D's manager, and to mine.

"That is alright, if I was a famous as you, that is probably what I would have done," Paul assured me, and told the guys that I was the one joining them on tour.

"Great, now we know, Paul was keeping it secret from us," Harry said smiling at me, and I returned the smile.

"Well, Maddie can't keep secrets if they are huge, so I always know," I laughed and turned to Maddie.

"Umm, where is my stuff, is it already on the bus?" I asked Maddie, only to be assured that they were. My phone rang with the familiar ringtone of Little Things and I answered it immediately embarrassed.

"Uh, Hello?," I ask because that was my normal ringtone because I was too lazy to give each contact a ringtone.

"Hey, how was the 1D conert, Ali," My best friends, Amy, voice sounded through the phone. I told everyone to excuse me and I went to the side to talk to her.

"It was amazing, but some fans almost cut my hair off," I laugh at the crazy memory.

"Cool, well text later because I have a date with your brother again," She said laughing as well.

"Ok, bye, love you Amy," I hang up smiling at the thought of her and my brother dating again. I follow the guys to the bus and find my stuff, and my bunk. I go out to the main room, which is like the living room, dining room, and kitchen.

"So, your a fan?" Zayn asks me with an amused smile.

"Ya, a big one, but not one to start screaming in your guy's faces," I assured them all.

"Cool, what is your favorite song or songs," Louis asks me putting up his guitar.

"Well I have five and from top to bottom, Little Things, More than This, Save you tonight, They don't know about us, and finally Best song ever, because it is literally the best song ever.

"Cool, and who is your favorite member of our band," Liam asks with another smile.

"Umm, Niall," I say not even thinking, and then I realize they are all staring at me and I gasp, covering my mouth and cheeks, knowing that I am blushing.

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