Chapter 1

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*PJ's POV*
"Dan, truth or dare?" Chris asked, slurring his words and wobbling a little.
"Truth, I guess," Dan smiled, before taking another swig of his cider.
"Is Pha- kickthephanstickz real?" He mumbled, trying to lean his chin on his wrist but missing.
"You tell me, you drunken spoon," he giggled, looking at me then back at Chris.
"Well, well, Mr Ligouri," Chris turned to me. I feel like he's about to pounce on me, he looks like it too, but instead he just says,
"I'm a spoon!"
What an amazing man.


"Peej, are you sure you'd rather have the sofa?" Dan asked, "You can have my bed if you want,"
"No thanks Dan, I don't like to think of what you've been doing in it," I shook my head, turning to the sofa and sitting on it.
"We both know that there is no possible way that I have been doing things like that in my bed. And I probably never will." He threw some blankets and pillows at me, "but whatever, I'd rather have my bed and I was just being polite. Night, night, gaybo."
"You can't talk," I threw a pillow at the back of his head just as he was walking out.
"Yes I can, I'm as straight as a ruler." He put his hands on his hips and pulled a face that I would expect to see on Becky or Jessica.
"Yeah, a flexible one,"


*Phil's POV*
"Phillllllllll," Chris slurred as I pushed him into the sofa bed.
"What?" I said, arranging the cushions and moving anything possibly valuable out of reach, hoping he wouldn't touch the computer.
"I'm a spoon!" He giggled, finally getting into bed.
"Yeah, a very very drunk one. Go to bed." I walked out of the room, switching off the light and closing the door. I thought I heard him shout after me but I wasn't sure, so I left it and went upstairs. I got to my room and collapsed on the bed, tired. I could hear Dan and PJ in the lounge talking about something.
"You can't talk." I heard PJ say.
"Yes I can, I'm as straight as a ruler,"
"Yeah, a flexible one,"
I heard Dan protest, before shutting the door and heading into the room next door to mine. I pulled off my jeans and my shirt and put my Cookie Monster pyjamas on, sitting down on my bed with my phone. I checked to make sure my laptop was plugged in before going onto Twitter on my phone. I scrolled through my @ replies and had a look at tweets from people that I follow.
@kickthepj -
@amazingphil what did you do with the milk did you drink it all?
@danisnotonfire -
@kickthepj @amazingphil of course he didn't he's lactose intolerant
@kickthepj -
@danisnotonfire @amazingphil where is it then
I shook my head as I read through the many replies. What idiots. I read through Twitter for a while longer before putting my phone on charge and switching the light off, climbing back into bed and closing my eyes.
I lay there, staring into the darkness for a while, unable to sleep. I could hear someone moving around, probably just heading to the toilet.
They were making a lot of noise, but I ignored it as we were all pretty drunk. Based on the amount of noise they were making I guessed that it wasn't some sort of murderer.
Then I heard it.
The scream.
[A/N short chapter sorry :)
This is my new fic!
I hope you enjoy it!
Keep reading PINOF 13 too as I'm still going to be updating that :3
Bai my smelly little marshmallows 👋
{can I call you that or do I need a new one whatever} baiiiii ]

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