chapter six

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chapter six: absolutely certain

( a/n: things are picking up

i apologize for the ending LMAO )

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As they step off the bus, they turn and start walking to the school.

Charlie Conway is getting off a bus about fifteen feet down the block and, upon looking away from an entirely disinterested Linda, he scowls in their direction. Jamie cocks a brow as Adam's shoulders fall.

The question bursts past her lips before she can stop it. "What's that about?"

Hooking his thumbs under the straps of his bag and fidgeting, he chews on his bottom lip.

"Charlie kind of hates me."

"Why?" She looks up at him while they walk. "I thought you guys were buddies."

"I don't know, really. They all froze me out after I joined varsity."

Jamie nods softly. Of course, she feels bad for him- it must suck to be dropped by all of your friends so suddenly. But, on the other hand, she has watched him watch his teammates walk all over them, so their ill feelings aren't unfounded.

"Well... you kind of... you don't stand up for them."

Adam turns to her with furrowed brows. "Huh?"

"You let Rick and Cole treat them like crap."

He sighs softly, taking her words into contemplation as they part ways to go to their lockers.

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As she stands in the stands of Eden Hall's hockey rink, Jamie considers going home.

The large room is absolutely freezing, with masses of parents and fans from both teams packing into the seats. A student wearing red face paint offers to sell her some overpriced warriors merch that's made of craft foam and has the emblem printed on it; she waves him off, scowling in distaste (apparently, Linda's petition didn't get very far.)

Would Adam even notice she wasn't there?

Just as she's about to turn on her heels and sneak out, she hears someone call her name.


Wishing the ground would swallow her whole, she turns to look at Phillip Banks with wide eyes. He's sitting with his wife, who's smiling at her, and Jake, his eldest son.

"Hi, Mr. Banks."

"You look good, sweetheart!" Mrs. Banks cuts in, leaning across her husband. "It's been such a long time!"

Jamie rubs the back of her neck. "Yeah, it has."

Well, she's never going to get out of this game now.

"Come, sit." Phillip orders, gesturing to the empty seat next to his son. "I'm sure Adam will be happy to know you came."

Mentally, she finishes his sentence: and when he's happy, he plays better.

Seeing no way out of it, she takes the empty seat next to Jake, rubbing her gloved hands together.

"Hey, JJ." He smiles at her, wiggling his eyebrows.

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