chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen: sneaking around


six chapters left after this, man

nobody: me in like three stories: and the varsity boys will give off douchebag older brother energy

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Unfortunately, after a few blissful days, it was time for the Banks family (and Jamie) to return to Edina.

With literally none of her stuff unpacked, Jamie sits curled up on the couch, catching up on the episodes of Boy Meets World she missed while she was away. She's got Adam's hoodie on and she plays with the strings, pulling them all the way out and then loosening the hood over and over.

It doesn't smell like him anymore, but it keeps her warm enough so maybe it still has a function.

(For a while, she considers asking him to give her a different hoodie, but that would make her sound like a dork.)

Just as it's revealed that Shawn only asked Topanga out in an attempt to set her up with Cory, Lisa pokes her head into the room with a tight smile. She lowers the volume on the TV, turning to face her mother.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, Jamie. Can you go to the store for me? I need something for dinner."

Resisting the urge to throw her head back and groan, Jamie nods and gets up from the couch with a sigh. Her mother's smile becomes a real smile and she clasps her hands in front of her.

"Oh, good. Thank you so much, hon."

Even if she didn't really have a choice, Jamie shrugs. "It's whatever."

She takes the list and crumpled-up bills from her mother, shoving them in the pocket of Adam's hoodie. Lisa kisses her daughter on the cheek and sends her off, watching until she closes the door behind her.

The sun is starting to set, and the street lights are coming on.

Across the street, Adam is playing hockey in his driveway. He's dressed in a t-shirt as if there isn't a cool breeze blowing and she frowns, watching him casually readjust the grip he has on his stick before hitting the puck, because he has to be cold.

Hockey player or not, his body is like any other.

"Hey, Banks!"

Adam jumps, turning to her as she looks both ways before jogging across the street. He looks over her form appreciatively, leaning on his stick and grinning crookedly as she approaches.

"Hey." He hums. "I ever tell you that I like it when you wear my hoodie?"

She rolls her eyes, albeit fondly. "Yeah, you dog, but what the hell are you doing?"

Adam cocks his head a bit, eyebrows crinkling together in both amusement and confusion.

"Playing hockey?"

"No, I know that genius- why aren't you wearing a jacket or something?"

He shrugs. "It's not that cold."

Jamie stares at him skeptically, wrapping her arms tighter around herself as a particularly bold gust of wind blows by. He breathes a laugh.

"What? It isn't."

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