when all is said and done.

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" i've been in love with you since i was seven years old

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" i've been in love with you since i was seven years old. "

( adam and jamie get formally married on the dock outside his parents' lake house, the one they were 'married' on as children.

when she got pregnant a few years later, adam was absolutely terrified he was going to be a bad dad because of his father, who he hasn't spoken to since the house got sold, but he turns out to be such a good parent. he reads bedtime stories and kisses 'boo-boos' and doesn't force his kids into sports, he accepts them as they are.

adam becomes a public defender and his salary eventually allows them to move into a bigger house. jamie is still a beloved teacher.

they still meet up with the ducks, whom jamie actually considers her friends now. it's an annual thing, usually in minnesota, which is difficult for him at first, but the longer he goes without contact with his father and the closer his kids get with his friends' kids, the easier it gets.

it ends with adam banks living in a happy home with kids that he isn't ruining and a wife that loves him more than anything. it ends softly, with kisses and cuddles and love.

so much love. )

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dear readers,

ha ha ha ha ow. y'know it hurts more and more every time I end a story, but this one is particularly painful. idk, maybe cause I'm an Adam apologist. this story is one of the best things I've ever written, though that might be something I usually say about most of my stories, and I'm sad to see it go.

like...really sad.

while this story is over and we have to say goodbye, I am far from done with writing for the mighty ducks. there are plenty of stories up on my wattpad already, and I have a few more planned. if you would like to stick around, that's awesome and it'll be nice to have you along for the ride, but if you don't, that's fine and thank you for reading my story. without you, writing would be pointless.

see you when I see you,
your author

seven (adam banks)Where stories live. Discover now