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Hello readers it sure has been a while. I wrote this book in 2016 and clearly a lot has transpired over the course of the last few years. First and foremost I've never really had a huge opinion on Drake Bell, he was just one of the many celebrity crushes I've had as a teen girl. I honestly didn't see this coming with him, but how can you tell when you don't really know them, and I feel awful about everything. I am just glad that I never said anything bad about him. I hope that he continues to heal and I wish nothing but love and light for him and the others.

With that being said; I stand with any and all victims of the terrors that have came to light about their time on set. And anyone else who has struggled with SA, I completely understand what that is like. I don't want to get too deep into anything, but this is a safe place.

I will be keeping this story up as it is just fiction.

Everyone please send Drake and anyone else as much love as you can. And remember that this is a touchy subject for hundreds of people including myself.

With that, I love you all and have a blessed day 💜

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