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My head rolls back as the lady at the hair salon messages my scalp. Well she's washing my hair, but it feels amazing. I really think phoebe and I needed to have a girls day.

"Phoebe how are you getting your hair done?" I asked since she was sitting next to me.

"Um. I'm just going to get my hair trimmed I don't really want to do much. What about you?" She asked.

"The under half of my hair is going to be dyed red. And I am getting my ends trimmed." I tell her.

"This is so relaxing. I have never been so far away from my nine siblings. And I'm here with my bestie." She says.

We both giggle like school girls and let our hair get finished. After paying we both decide to grab a bite. We walked a few blocks until we found a small restaurant. We sit in the dimly lit pizza joint. The only lights in the running area is the fairy lights all over the ceiling and lining the tables and Windows. The tables are made out of wood and carved into a circle.

" Hello I'm Nate, I will be your waiter today. Can I start you lady's off with something to drink?" He eyes me and gives me a little wink. I flush a little and look down at the table.

Phoebe grins and orders us both a root beer. He walks away and she makes kissy faces. I slap her arm making faces for her to stop.

"What are you doing?" I asked embarrassed.

"Oh come one. Since school started up the poor boy has flirted with you non-stop. And he tried to ask you out but his note got put in the wrong locker. And every time he attempts to talk to you, you run away" she states giving me a smug look.

I sigh and sink in my chair. "Look. He's cute and nice, but he's not my type. Plus I'm not looking to jump in a relationship. I have never dated before or have had my first kiss. The dating world is scary" I tell her.

"How can you know it's scary, when you've never tried it?" Phoebe asked.

"I-," start but stop seeing our drinks placed in front of us.

"Here you go, what can I get you to eat?" He grins still staring at me.

"U-um can w-we get a large stuffed crust, pepperoni, sausage, and cheese pizza." I stutter.

"Anything for you."

( just a note for if your confused. This story is switching between families for a little bit. That will stop soon. And I suggest watching the movie. It is amazing and super funny. My story it not doing it justice, but im just writing for fun.)

"Are you sure you wanna wear the uniform, admiral?" Christina ask her father helping him tuck his collar on his military uniform.

"Not that you don't look great. It just looks so military." She adds.

" She might as well know what she's getting." Frank said throwing his hands at his sides.

"Okay, but hold off on that eight-kid thing." She tells him.

"Why?" He asked looking confused.

" Because that's a minimum third-date, second-bottle-of-wine announcement." She stated crossing her arms over her button up floral top.

"Hey, you know, believe it or not, i have been on a few dates before... a couple of decades ago." He tells her looking in the mirror at the bottom of the steps.

"Admiral?" Ethan asked standing on.the stairs next to otter and Eli. Staring down at their dad.

" Yeah. Ethan, do you know that you can call me dad?" He tells his son huffing.

" Oh. Admiral, is this lady gonna be our new mom?" Ethan insist on calling him admiral.

"I don't think so. It's just a blind date." He told the boys.

"She can't see. She is blind?" Otter asked his eyes wide.

"Can she navigate using sonar, like a bat?" Eli asked thinking the lady could be a cool super hero.

"Hey, why don't you guys go swimming in the bathtub?" Frank suggest wanting out of the conversation.

"Aye, aye, sir." They yell running upstairs.

"I get the boat. - Uh-uh, you get the duck. - You get the duck." The boys shout at each other.

"Let's just give her a little hint of what's underneath." Christina tells his moving his military hat off to the side like a gangster.

"You know, Christina, sometimes i wonder where you came from." He smiles fondly.

"Mom's side." She proudly says with a little bounce.

"Don't wait up." He warns.

" I wont" she smiles.

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