Chapter 21 - Too Late

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Dean Alessandro

I always ask myself, what would I be doing today is.. I was not a part of ILLICT? or maybe a part of something?

Maybe I'll keep studying and be.. a scientist.

For me, life is always been hard. Family, friends, love and just facing the world by itself.

The reason when I joined ILLICIT was nothing but revenge. Not only for my parents but.. to my biological parents. They failed me, they left me.

I grew up with two identities.

Dean Alessandro and Declan Serano.

I grew up hating Declan Serano because he's weak, hopeless, craving for love and nothing but a loser. As for Dean Alessandro, he's tough, smart, he knows what he's doing and he's a well respected leader.

I hate it, I hate Declan Serano. All he wanted was to.. live a normal life. Be with his family and maybe fall in love and get married. Declan is nice, forgiving and really patient. In the end of the day, I can't deny that I'm stuck with this identity.

Who exactly Declan Serano?

I was born to Alejandro Serano and Mikhela Serano. Who are they? A royal family from Andorra. I'm the last child out of 4 childrens. I have two other brothers and older sister. My second brother and my sister are unidentical twins.

I do know their existence but they don't know about me. They thought I was dead already because my father decided to give me to the Alessandros.

The Alessandros are nice people. They told me my real identity and they give me a new one knowing I'm not that confident with my old identity. My adoptive father told me why my biological father gave me away and for me the reason just doesn't make any sense.

My biological father tried to reach out to me a few times but I ignored him. He reached out to Parker years ago and we met once but that's it. He apologized for what he did and he was wondering if I want to go back to Andorra to mert the family and be together again.

But.. I rejected fhat.

I've lost a lot of hope in life. Everytime I encounter people, there's always something that disappoints me. Even before Parker warned me not to settle down, I don't have a heart to settle down either.

I don't see why.. I have to settle down. I was afraid that I become someone like my biological father. I was scared of losing someone. I was scared of trusting someone too much because I know they will disappoint me.

And.. the ex-members was one of them.

I trusted them with everything that I have and.. they left me.

I don't see life like everyone else. I don't really care if I die or maybe get killed because I'm tired already.

Sometimes.. I do hope everything would be different. Now, I'm standing here looking at the Serano Mansion. Some part of me.. want to know what it feels like if my father didn't give me away. Would I be happy living there with my parents and siblings?

I let out a long sigh and walked back to my car. I opened my car door and suddenly someone shot a needle to my neck. Everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to the ceiling. I got up and jumped out of bed as I looked around the room. I took off the IV and walked out from the room. My eyes widen when I found about 30 guards pointing their guns at me.

"Your Highness, we will escort you to your father's study." I turned to see an old man standing behind me as he gestured me to follow him.

"No. Get me out of here." I hissed.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Your father wants to see you first." I decided to follow him and looked around the mansion. How dare he use this method on me? The fuck who he think he is.

The old man led me to a room and he gestured me to get in. I walked into the room and found 5 people staring at me like I'm ghost. I recognized my father, my mother and my siblings that never knew I existed.

"Why are you bringing me here?" I asked coldly as my mother tried to approach me.

"Alejandro! Why the fuck you bring me here?!" I bursted angrily and it instantly made my mother cry.

"I heard.. about ILLICIT." I scoffed when he said that.

"Declan." I turned to my oldest brother who I never met or talked to before. He walked to me slowly and that's when it hit me especially when he called me Delcan.

"Don't come near me!" I pointed my finger at him. My mother was crying and my siblings looked devastated.

"I'm glad that you come to Andorra, it makes everything easier." My father said.

"I will handle ILLICIT and for the time being.. you will stay here until everything is done." He said and I laughed at his statement. I turned my body around and tried to open the door but they locked it from the outside.

"Declan, how about we talk?" I turned to my oldest brother.

"I don't know you, why should I do that?"

"Please.." My sister begged.

"I don't know you either. Heck! I don't know all of you!" I bursted angrily at all of them. I was mad, sad and hating myself.

"Don't come to me after 30 years and act like my family. I don't have one.. and you all need to stop calling me Declan. I was born as Dean Alessandro and I swore with my life that.. I won't be a part of Serano." I said and I could see the pain on their eyes.

"Dean, listen.."

"Get me out of here." I said coldly as I tried to open the door. I tried kicking, pulling the knob and tried everything but it won't open.

"We're sorry." I froze when one of them said that.

"Yeah.. you're all too late for that."

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