Chapter 6

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Scarlett's pov:

I felt pretty bad. I knew, deep down inside, that I wasn't exactly innocent when it came to Nex.

I was friends with assholes but I had no choice. My parents expected me to be a certain way, be a certain person. And my current friends seemed to help me do that.

Nex was the complete opposite. She wasn't wealthy, and only had one friend. Yet, I found myself being jealous of her. Despite the shit that happened in her life she kept being her, and that was admirable.

Still didn't mean I liked her though. She was still an asshole.

Nevertheless, I texted her.

"Hi," I wrote.

"Aaron's car broke down. Ur fault."

"How tf is that my fault?"

"Dunno yet. But it is."


"You ain't classy either, Gray."

"Classier than you."

"Whatever. What do u want."

"I wanted to know if u were like not dead. Or like had a broken spine."

"Not sure. But my spine does feel broke."

"I'll make it up to you 🥴"

"U fucking better. I coulda died."

"And I just gave u an offer so that doesn't matter."

"And when does this offer take place?"

"Whenever I want."

"Dick head."


I laughed but quickly caught myself. An argument between the side of myself that knew I had to be perfect and the other side that wanted to simply live began.

"That can't happen. We're like mortal enemies," said my 'perfect' side.

"But says who?"

"Everything that you stand for."

"It's not like it means anything."

"You just laughed at a convo between you two. Can't happen. Why are you being civil with her?"

"It doesn't mean anything."

"You better keep it like that."

"I'm just having some fun."

"Fine. But just not with her."

"I'm still gonna hook up with her."

"Don't catch feelings. What would your parents think?"

"That would never happen. I'm her."

"If you say so."

Nex's pov:

I was surprised by the conversation between me and Scarlett. It was almost friendly.

I tried not to think much of it because I knew how fast Scarlett could switch up. After all, we had nothing in common.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It'd been about a week and a half since I fell off of Scarlett's roof.

We had just finished hooking up in the back of her car that was parked in an empty parking lot. It was night so nobody would come out here.

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