Chapter 45

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Jade's Marriage Discussion

Leonard and Lily are at the sitting room discussing about Jade's marriage with Henry while waiting for Jade to arrive back home, During the time Leonard and Lily are talking, Leonard asks Lily a question while looking at his wrist watch,

"Lily, Where is Jade?"

Lily replies to Leonard, "I don't know I haven't seen her for a while now"

"But now it's almost 7:30 pm where the hell could Jade be at this time of an hour"

"Maybe she is on her way home by now let's just be patient and wait for her to arrive"

"Okay, Lily I think this is a right time to tell Jade about what we have discussed about her marriage with Henry"

Lily replies to Leonard, "But Leonard I don't completely agree with you on what you have talked about and I'm still against it"

"But Lily I thought that we agreed about this longtime ago"

"Not really I'm not convinced yet at all"

"Okay Lily tell me what do you think about this?"

"I think it is stupid Leonard Jade is just 18 years old she is not ready for marriage yet how can you think of doing that to your own daughter"

Leonard replies to Lily, "But next year after completing high school she will be 19 years old i don't think that is a big issues"

"Leonard I don't want my daughter to get married so early in her life the only thing that I want for my daughter is to complete her studies first"

"But Lily she can still finish her studies while married with Henry at the same time"

"Leonard I think it's best to wait first for Jade to finish up her studies and then she can get married afterward with Henry"

"Trust me Lily I know what I'm doing for my daughter just leave that to me"

Lily replies to Leonard, "Okay lets wait for Jade and see what she going to tell us"

After Leonard and Lily finish discussing about Jade's marriage with Henry then they both continue watching the television while waiting for Jade to arrive back home,

In few moments while Leonard and Lily are waiting for Jade to arrive back home, Jade then arrives home with her driver from the beach with a lot of stress in her mind while thinking about what is going on with Justin and his family, Jade then drops off the car and then goes straight to the house while carrying her bag and when Jade arrives at her home sitting room she finds her father and mother at sitting room watching the television while waiting for her to arrive, Jade then greets her father,

"Good evening dad"

Leonard replies to Jade,"Good evening Jade how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great thanks"

"Darling I was starting to get worried about you where have you been all this time?"

"I was with my friends at the beach chilling"

Leonard replies to Jade, "Okay Jade there is something that I want to discuss with you would you mind sitting down for a bit so that we can discuss about it"

"Okay daddy"

After Leonard requested her daughter to sit down on the coach, Jade then sits down on her coach and speaks with Leonard,

"Okay father tell me what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Jade there is something that I want to tell you but please don't be mad at me for what I'm going to tell you today"

"You are starting to scare me daddy tell me what is it that you wanted to tell me so bad?"

"Well Emily and I we have discussed about this issue a lot and we think today is the right time to tell you each and everything concerning what we have discussed"

Jade replies to Leonard, "Okay daddy, tell me what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?"

"Well Emily and I we think that it will good for you if you will get married with Henry after you complete high school education"

Jade startles in shock after hearing his father request about her marriage with Henry, Jade then replies to her father,

"What?, but why daddy?, why didn't you two consulted me first on this matter?"

"My darling we didn't tell you about this before because it wasn't a right time to tell you but I think this is the right time to tell you about this"

Jade replies to her father while raising her voice in anger, "Sorry daddy but I'm not going to agree with what you are going to say to me today"

"But why sweetheart this will be good for you and your future"

"Daddy you promised me before that you were gonna let me choose my spouse when the right time comes but why are you saying this to me right now"

"Sweetheart just think about it first this will be good for you and your future and also don't you want to be married to person who will provide everything to you whenever you want"

Jade raises her voice while replying to Leonard, "No daddy I'm not a materialistic person I will marry to a person who I love the most and not the person whom you will choose for me"

Leonard stands up from his coach with a fierce look on his face and then replies to Jade in anger tone,

"Listen my decision is final after you complete your high school you will get married with Henry and that's it"

"But I don't want to get married with Henry daddy"

"But you have got no choice now and you will do as I say to you"

Leonard leaves the sitting room heading back to his room to sleep while leaving Jade crying on the coach, During the time Jade is crying on the coach by herself Lily then goes to her daughter and starts comforting her daughter,

"Stop crying my dear don't worry I will try talking to your father about this issue first"

Jade replies to Lily, "But you were on his side mom the whole time why are you telling me that now"

"I'm not on your father's side I will always be on your side"


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