What If: Fires of Idirsholas

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What if: Merlin drank the poison instead of Morgana


"Are you alright Morgana?" Merlin asked, turning and pouring the hemlock poison into his canteen.

Morgana wordlessly shook her head. "I'm glad you're with me Merlin. And thank you... for not telling Arthur about... you know. You're a good friend."

"I should be out there with him." Merlin mumbled.

"No!" Morgana protested, "Then you'd die too. I couldn't bear it if I lost you both."

Merlin nodded, giving her a sad smile, "It'll be alright."

"Arthur's going to die Merlin," Morgana said in despair as she tore up the blanket. 

"Not if we stop the knights," Merlin whispered, "Not if we cut off the source."

"And how do we do that?" she snapped.

"Morgana," Merlin said, staring her down, "call Morgause."

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Morgana..." Merlin said, "You need to tell her to stop the knights."

"I don't know what you're talking about Merlin!" She cried.

"If you don't," Merlin paused and took a long drink from his poisoned water, "then I will die."

Morgana's eyes widened as Merlin collapsed to the ground, clutching his throat.

"Merlin!" She cried, dropping next to him and cradling his head, "Merlin you dolt! Why would you do this!? Don't you dare die! Merlin! No no no no no!"

Morgana frantically stroked his hair out of his face and Merlin looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Morgause!" Morgana shouted. "Morgause!" Despair laced her voice, "Hold on Merlin. Hold on."

Morgause burst through the doors, sensing her sister's pain. "Morgana?"

"Stop the knights! Stop them now!" Morgana ordered.

Morgause looked at her, confused, "Why-" her eyes landed on Merlin, "For the meddlesome serving boy?"

"Yes! Stop them and heal him. Please!" she begged.


"If you don't I will no longer be your sister!"

Morgause stopped short. She glared hard, but began incanting. The knights of Medhir collapsed. She picked up the canteen and said a small spell, identifying the hemlock. She hesitated when she reached the pair.

"If you let him die-"

"I'm doing it," Morgause muttered. As she worked her magic on Merlin, Arthur returned. His gaze landed on the three and he grew alarmed.

"Merlin!" he shouted, racing forward, "What did you do!"

Just then, Merlin gasped as he was able to breathe once again.  

Morgana sighed in relief. "Thank you," she whispered. 

Morgause glared at her sister, "Now I see where your loyalties lie. Do not expect me to favor you again." With that, she vanished in a dramatic whirl. 

"Merlin?" Morgana asked, brushing the raven's hair out of his face.

"What happened?" Uther asked, finally awakening.

"I'd like to know too." Arthur said, staring hard at Morgana.

"Yes yes," Morgana huffed, "but first we must get Merlin to Gaius."

Arthur gave a curt nod and scooped Merlin up. He quickly made his way to the physician, Morgana hot on his heels.

Gaius looked up as they entered. "What- Merlin my boy!"

"He- he was poisoned, Gaius, but Morgause- she healed him." Morgana explained shakily.

Gaius and Arthur frowned hard at Morgana, who looked exceedingly guilty. 

"Morgana..." Arthur said slowly.

"I will explain," Morgana whispered, "just tell me Merlin will be alright." 

"I'll be fineee," A quiet voice slurred from the bed.

"Merlin!" everyone shouted. 

"Hi," he croaked. 

"Merlin, you idiot," Arthur said, failing to hide some of his relief. His face hardened, "Who poisoned you."

It was not a question. It was an order.

"I did," Merlin said.

"You poisoned yourself!" Arthur yelled.

"Foolish boy," Gaius murmured, helping the warlock sit up. He glanced at Arthur, "You should go to your father, Arthur. I will send for you after Merlin is rested."

Arthur wasn't happy about it, but left after he lost a stare down with the physician. Morgana lingered.

"Why did you do that Merlin?" she whispered. She turned to Gaius guiltily, "He said he needed to cut off the source. Somehow he knew that it was me. I didn't know but I figured. He could've poisoned me. He should've poisoned me."

"I believed in you," Merlin said, "I knew you cared about us still. I'm glad to know I was right."

"Oh Merlin," Morgana cried, "I'm so so sorry."

"We all make mistakes," Merlin said sympathetically, "I made a mistake that I fear drove you to do this in the first place."

"What?" Confusion laced Morgan's voice. "Merlin what-"

"Merlin are you quite sure?" Gaius asked.

Merlin nodded, "I owe this to her, i trust her."

Morgana, though touched, was still confused.

"I should've told you this when you first came to me." Merlin took a deep breath, "I have magic, Morgana."

Morgana took a moment to process this. Confusion, hurt, and then understanding crossed her features.

She said nothing for a good long while.

She had a tight smile when she finally spoke. "I do wish you'd have told me, Merlin, but I understand."

She bent down and embraced him, "Thank you, for telling me now."

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