Side Story - Part 1/2

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It's been 6 months after the Shokugeki no Legium event and school activities have gone back to normal. The 3rd years have graduated, Fuichi and her classmates became 3rd years while Yukihira and friends became 2nd years. The current Elite Ten, despite their everyday bickers, disagreement, and rivalry, is surprisingly going well. There have been many successful events until now.

Now that Fuichi's status is clear with Eizan, they're more often being seen together. She often accompany him to his clients, or watch his shokugeki almost every day. There are many students who want to take his seat after all when Yukihira declared that everyone can have shokugeki even with the Elite Ten. And they can even get the Elite Ten's seat if they beat them.

Currently, she's walking side by side with him after watching another one of his shokugeki. As always, he managed to outsmart his opponent by making a dish that could degrade his opponent's dish.

"So, you're still using that trick even after your loss toward Takumi-kun?" She teases.

Angry marks appear on his head at the mention. "Can you not bring up that damn match again?? Of course I'm still using that trick. That's my cooking style after all. It's not cheating method anyway, I'm just that smart I can think so fast about what I should make after seeing my opponent's ingredients!"

"Pfftt– it's my first time hearing someone actually say that they themselves are smart. So arrogant, really match your character though." She snickers.

"Stop laughing. You should feel proud you have this smart boyfriend." He smirks seeing her snicker immediately replaced with blush.

"Just how can you say that without getting embarrassed at all..." She rubs the back of her head sheepishly.


Someone's voice suddenly comes out from behind, making them jolt in surprise. They quickly turn around to find a boy with Totsuki's uniform stands behind them. It seems like this boy is an underclassman.

"Did you just call me...?" Fuichi tilts her head.

"Yes. You're Chisaya-senpai, right?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, that's me. Do you need something?"

"Ah, before that, I'm Takeshi Ryusuke from 2nd year. Please to meet you!" He bows 90 degrees.

"Nice to meet you too?" She also bows a bit in confusion.

"Oi brat, what do you want? You're wasting our time, we have a meeting to attend." Eizan snarls.

"No need to be so rude, Etsu-kun!" She elbows him.

"Ouch! What was that for?! I'm just making this conversation end faster!" He rubs his pained ribs.

"I-I'm so sorry if this is not a good time to talk!" Takeshi seems to feel guilty.

"Don't mind him, Takeshi-kun. So, what is it you want to talk to me?" She smiles at him.

"Actually, Chisaya-senpai, umm... would you... would you do a shokugeki with me?!" He finally blurts it out.

"Huh? Shokugeki?"

"Yes!" He nods his head vigorously.

"I don't have position on the Totsuki Elite Ten. You should have challenge this guy instead to get the 8th seat." She smirks and points at Eizan with her thumb.

"Oi don't make me be the target! You know I'm already busy enough with this and that matter, I want to avoid Shokugeki as much as possible!" He protests.

"Aww come on, I've helped you with soo many things how can you still busy??"

"The number of my clients are increasing highly this Fall. I can't ignore them just for attending another shokugeki!"

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