Chapter 1

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Totsuki is a high class culinary academy for everyone who wants to be a named chef. Not every people can graduate from that school, not even the rich. They, who have high passion in cooking and want to learn more and more are the one who can pass every challenge in there. Everything was going smoothly until that man came into that school.

More than half of Totsuki's Elite Ten did a coup d'etat to Senzaemon, so the headmaster in Totsuki is now his son, Nakiri Azami. He changed almost all rules in Totsuki, like they just have to follow the recipe created by the Central, or previously Elite Ten. They even planning on disbanding every clubs there. Not just clubs, eventually the Polar Star Dormitory too. That's what happen right now.


Someone's knocking on Polar Star Dormitory's main door. Yukihira is the one opening that door and found Eizan Etsuya and his men standing there with smug look.

"Hello there, Yukihira." He greets. "I'm sure you've heard about that news. The news to demolish this dormitory."

The others, except Isshiki who stand behind Yukihira shocked as they hear this. They want to demolish this building this fast?!

"...hey, Eizan-senpai." Finally, Yukihira starts to talk.

"Hm~?" He still has that smug look on his face.

"How about we have a tea together right now?" He invites casually with smile on his face.


"EEHHH??" The others is as confused as him.

Let's. Have. A. Tea. Together... HE SAID?!

~ Mini Timeskip ~

In the end, he took the invitation and currently sitting in the dining room with Yukihira and the others.

"So... senpai?" After savoring the tea, he begins to talk. "There's still one way to stop the demolishing, right?" Everyone eyes widen as they hear him. "I mean, the Shokugeki." He states with determining eyes.

"That's true." He answers almost instantly. "I know you will say that, Yukihira." He chuckles a bit. "Actually, it's not just you who send me a Shokugeki letter. It was like, every club has a representative to fight me in Shokugeki."

"Ehhh you should say that from the beginning~" Yukihira whines as he gives his signature lazy smile.

"However," Eizan's face turns into a wicked one. "I just want to give you warning about the Shokugeki."


"You will understand what I mean, sooner or later. Just watch the first Shokugeki to defend their club~" With that, he stands from his chair and starts to walk out from the dormitory.


Someone's voice stop him from his track and as he turns his head toward the voice, a grin starts to appear on his face.

"Oh? Finally, someone I've been looking for~ I thought you're not here, Chisaya."

She snorts. "I'm taking a nap until I heard commotion from down here, and so it was you."

"Yeah, it was me. So, did you hear already about the demolishing?"

"...yeah. It sucks. I don't see the point of demolishing this dormitory." She gives a long sigh.

"Chisaya, I hope you still remember about my offer."

"What offer?" She asks in disinterested, although she knows what he means.

"Tch, I'm offering you to stay in my place, idiot." He clicks his tongue.

"He whaatt?!" Now everybody is shocked and they all look at Fuichi, who just seem more annoyed.

"Just imagine it, Chisaya. You will live in a better place, FAR better than this old and dirty place, along with these kind of people. You should just come to me, work together and I'm sure you will get everything you need in your life."

"Better place, eh...?" She seems to give it a thought, making the others worried. "Yeah, sure. Of course your place is much more better than this place."

"I-cchi?!" Yuki looks really taken aback by her answer meanwhile Eizan just smirks widely. Not just her, but the others too.

"I know your place is much more luxurious than this dormitory. BUT," she continues. "I'd rather live in this old and dirty place with my kind of friends than living in the same rooftop as you, Etsu-kun~" She gives him a challenging smirk.

It makes his eyes twitch in annoyance, hearing that nickname of him in front of those people.

~ flashback ~

It was their first year and first practical class when they met each other.

"I've assigned you in group of two people. Now, you must work together in order to finish this recipe. Do you understand?" Chapelle-sensei, who was in charge of that class announced to the first year students.

"Yes, chef!!" They answered in unison and started cooking.

"So," Fuichi looked to her right and found Eizan stood beside her. "we're in the same team, huh? I know you just little from other class, but we haven't really talk yet so, I'm Chisaya Fuichi." She gave him a hand to shook.

He just looked at her hand without saying anything at first, but finally shook her hand quickly, not showing any interest. "Eizan Etsuya. Don't slow me down, okay?" He then began to start cooking.

"Tch, what an ass my partner is." She clicked her tongue.

"What did you say?!" He retorted.

"...and a short-temper too, just great." She muttered so he didn't hear her.

Since that, like it or not, they worked together as a team for that class until they reached second year. In the progress, they eventually become a close friend. She would call him 'Etsu-kun' when she teased him and it really worked.

"Don't call me with that like you've known me for years, b*tch!"

"I don't care, assh*le. It's your fault you're too fun to tease. And as your partner in cooking class, I think I've known you enough."

Tick marks started to appear on his face. "You're not the loud type, but you're such a sneak in ass, Ichi."

"Hey! Only my close friends can call me with that nickname!" She yelled.

"Heh, unfortunately I don't care too. If you call me like that, I'll call you like that too."

They then agreed to call each other with their given name when they're in public, but would call each other with those nickname when it's just the two of them.

~ end of flashback ~

Knowing she won't change her mind, he turns his head toward the door and ready to leave the dormitory.

"I know you're stubborn, but I don't know you're THIS stubborn." He shrugs. "Well then, have a nice day and let's meet in tomorrow's class... Ichi~" With that, he and his men take their leave, making Polar Star's people agape in shocked.

"Wait what?! Did he just call you 'Ichi'?! I-cchi, don't tell me you and him are-!"

Before Yuki got the chance to say it, Fuichi's death glare and dark aura making her instantly shut her mouth and shake in fear.

"Don't ever think about that." She answers venomously then going back to her room, leaving them again in shockness.

'I never thought she has that dark side of her...!' Is what everyone thinking at that moment.

Eizan Etsuya x OC x Slight!Saito SoumeiWhere stories live. Discover now