Chapter 13

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*A/N: It's been a while since OC and Eizan talk in private, so I'll let them meet in this chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gahh finally it's over!!" Takumi slumps to the ground.

"I'm really exhausted..." Tadokoro's ghost came out from her mouth.

"I'm really full... but I'm happy to taste those amazing dish!" Yuki says cheerfully while patting her stomach.

"Yuki... it's midnight right now we woman shouldn't eat too much in these time. You could gain weight, you know?" Ryouko sweatdrops seeing Yuki's appetite.

"Ehh you're right!! I just can't help seeing such delicious food go wasted..."

Fuichi chuckles at her friend then turns to Yukihira. "Yukihira, you sure you want to continue your match against Mimasaka? I'm sure resting is as important as training. You have to be in your best condition to fight Saitou-senpai, you know?"

"I still haven't won against the fake Saitou-senpai, I can't rest yet! Don't worry, Chisaya-senpai, I've been in worst condition!" Yukihira gives a thumb up.

"I'm up for the match too. No matter how much exhausted I'll be later, I want to help this team as best as I can!" Mimasaka adds.

"You first years are really amazing." Fuichi smiles to herself. "Well then, I'll be taking a short break for now. Good luck on your training."

She then leaves them with wave and walks to the lobby to get short nap on the sofa. On the way, she thinks about tomorrow's match.

'They've become really strong in such a short time. What a generation of miracle.' (WRONG ANIME!)


'After witnessing Takumi's new skill, I wonder if Etsu-kun could win against him?'

Realizing what she's been thinking, she quickly shakes her head.

'No no wait. It's not that I cheer for him, alright? I just... feel a bit sympathetic if he was to lose against the first year again. Yeah, that.'

When she walks pass certain balcony on the corridor, she spots someone standing there, leaning against the railing and gazing at the starry night.

'...speak of the devil.'

Suddenly getting an evil idea, she smirks and sneaks in behind the person as silent as she can.

"Yoohoo~" She says in whisper tone and blows air to his left ear.

"AGH?!" He holds his left ear and spun around too quickly, almost make him fall from the railing.

"Hey watch out!!" Shocked, Fuichi quickly takes his other arm and pull him toward her.

Pulling almost too hard, she ended up being pushed to the wall behind her from his fallen body.

"What the heck?? ICHI?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!"

She rubs her forehead from the impact and about to retort back at him, but the words didn't come out as she opens her eyes. Her face starts to blush slightly when she realized she's been trapped between his arms. His face is too close for her comfort, and the few strands of fallen hair on his face doesn't help at all.

"Oi are you listening to me?!"

She snaps from her thought and glares at him.

"It's not my fault! Who knows you would spun around so recklessly on a third floor balcony like this??" She retorts.

"Well, I won't do it in first place if you don't f***ing surprise me." He retorts back.

"Tch, fine fine. Now, can you please move away from me?"


Instead of move away, he just keeps his distance and stares at her eyes with no expression.


She's thankful it's midnight now or he would see her redden face. But even in the dark, she can see how his orbs gleaming under the moon.

'Getting the chance to look at his face this close... I just realized he's got a beautiful *chartreuse orbs.'

Without saying another word, he moves his hands so it's now hovering over her cheeks.

"Etsu-kun?? W-what are you- eekk!"

He pinch both her cheek, tugging at it and then release it.

"Ouch... what the heck was that for?!" She rubs both her cheeks in pain.

"I call that revenge." He smirks. "For surprising me... and for being too close with Saitou-senpai." He mutters the last part so she won't hear it and gets away from her. He's now leaning against the railing again and facing her. "Been a while since we talk like this, eh?"

"Yeah, you're right. It's because you chose to be in the wrong side." She stood up, brush her pants from the dirt and cross her arm.

"You're the one who have chosen the wrong side." He sighs. "If you chose to side with Sir Azami, you wouldn't be in this state."

"I don't regret with my choice."

"Just not yet." He rolls his eyes. "What are you doing anyway? Wandering around at this kind of hour."

"Helping my friends upgrading their cooking skill."

His eyes twitch from hearing that. "Tch, you're giving them too much help. They will just surpass you and that won't help your career in future."

"Actually I must admit they're already more superior than me... and if they're stronger than me, then they're stronger than you too." She grins seeing his immediately annoyed face.

"What was that supposed to mean?!" He yells.

"Oh, nothing~ I just wanna warn you that they've become really strong now. So just be careful~"

"Tch I don't need your warning!! Why are you always trying to get on my nerves??"

"Because it's so easy to get you pissed off." She chuckles.

"You damn woman..."

He curses under his breath and about to retorts back, but decided not to and just lets a big sigh. He strides pass you, only to stop again once he reached the balcony's door.

"...just go to sleep already, Ichi. And tomorrow, you better watch me crush that first year." He then starts to walk back to his room.

She stares at his back until it disappears from her view.

"As much as I want to root for you... my team has to win this match, Etsu-kun. For the better Totsuki."


*chartreuse = color term for combination between green & yellow

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