Part Eleven

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'Bible orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.'

Francis Schaeffer

"In the end David the unbreakable link with God is the problem, whether you like it or not my is unavoidable." Charles Buckingham sighed as he paced around Harrington's study, white board pen in hand, brainstorming the problem and speaking his mind without fear of causing offence. It was Harrington's own idea, the marketing man at work, cutting through the crap and forcing each other to face the real issues. They had already had a free and frank exchange of views and without Craig and Winstanley, who were, Harrington had admitted, less open-minded, they were daring to think the unthinkable. "David Cameron dared to suggest that this was a Christian country in 2014 and the left-wing media attacked as one, whilst the opinion polls lurched down...because God is seen not only as an irrelevance but also somehow dangerous in the political world. I know you don't believe that...and as a man I don't either...but as a politician, an expression of strong religious conviction is a mild version of professional suicide. That's why Blair hid his Catholicism..."

"I can see what you mean but you said it was a media reaction...all the leftie luvvies...that does not mean it is what the people believe?" Harrington suggested, pressing Buckingham to justify himself.

"I think it is what most people believe...David, there are what...about five million practising Christians in this country? And at least half of them go once a month or less and really only show their colours at Christmas and the odd wedding or funeral. Add in a couple of million Catholics, a million Muslims and million or so others and round it up to ten million or thereabouts. That means there are fifty five maybe sixty million people who are not really connected to any faith...and that is why the word of God will not get you into Downing Street any time soon."

"So are you proposing that we drop God from a Christian doctrine?" Harrington asked, not particularly pleased at the direction the conversation was going but also recognising the statistical truth of his friend's arguments. He recognised the reality of the real world, whereas Paul and Michael were rather more idealistic and less pragmatic.

" want me to found a party to promote your idea of social change and stand for this area at the next election proposing that we follow the word of God as directed by the Bible...and I am telling you that it will be an embarrassing failure. You guys have outlined a vision and the people of this country will not vote for a vision...especially not a vision that is so openly Christian. They will not vote for your objective, however heavenly that may be, not unless they can see something in it for them, at any rate. They care about jobs, schools, their benefits, hospitals and schools...not necessarily in that order. They care about having their bins emptied, about how much things cost, and about how much their savings are worth, not the moral fibre of our society. They are used to media campaigns, to voting for the man they want to be Prime Minister rather than the man named on their ballot paper. Most of them could not even name their local MP, let alone what he personally stood for. I lost my seat because David Cameron fucked up, not because I was a bad MP. Having a clear vision is a good thing...a great thing...but communicating it to the man in the street...making it relevant to Joe the prerequisite for success...and saying God says so won't cut it. Michael can think what he likes but the only way this all works is to concentrate on policies and not God's words. UKip works, or rather worked, up to a point, because their huge single issue is Europe. Every European election and almost every local election, the voters use Nigel Farage as a stick to beat the government with, to express their frustrations with what we all very well know is a big corrupt and dysfunctional mess, but they have only ever managed to get one man elected to Westminster. They had defectors from the Conservatives in 2014 and they held one of those seats in 2015 and 2019 but they did not win any new ones. Not one. Despite all the media exposure Farage achieved. I think I could run a really good campaign here, as the Church is well known and more importantly well-liked, but if I focussed too much on God and made too much of the Christian Reformist doctrine, I still might lose. Because even with a lot of goodwill on our side and a deeper understanding of what and who we are, I will be standing against Philip Henderson as well as the actual man in the blue rosette. The only way you get round all of that is to have some credible, eye-catching policies and to concentrate on high-jacking the agenda...on starting a fresh debate. God is not fresh...He is not a part of our voters lives and they will not listen."

"We have credible policies...don't we?"

"Yes but they are too sweeping...too radical...too unpalatable. I need to pull them apart and spin them them...but Paul and Michael will not be very keen about backpedalling on I need to find a way to convince them. Politics is not like business or just doesn't work in any logical way."

"Convince me first Charles...and then I will help you deal with Paul and Michael in our own good time," Harrington smiled, before abruptly changing the subject. "How do you think Elizabeth is doing? I thought she did rather well on Sunday?"

"Oh...I am not really sure...I am hardly talking to her to be honest. Miss Scott is urging me to leave well alone and I am afraid I am happy to do so...because even at dinner in front of all of you the way she looks at me makes me...nervous." Buckingham admitted, his confidence disappearing the moment his thoughts turned to his personal life. "Everything is such a mess David...I have failed my own daughter and I have just told the only people who seem to want to employ me that their big idea is never going to work in its current form..."

"One piece of advice your friend...have the courage of your convictions. You might feel the need to keep God out of our political ambitions, up to a point, but don't let yourself forget why you personally are here in the first place. You have God in your heart...I think as many people do, you let Him in when you were at your lowest ebb...and you should never be ashamed of what you feel...of what you believe." David Harrington advised as his companion sat down opposite him. "Elizabeth is a child in the eyes of God...she is your sole responsibility and regardless of what has happened in the past no one can decide her future other than you. She will fact she is already adapting according to Miss Scott...but if you think the Church is the right place for her, you have to make it one else can take that decision, it is all up to you...and that will take a lot of conviction, a lot of simple courage. You can undoubtedly solve all your problems by committing yourself to the cause and how we present that to people...whether that is individually to your Elizabeth or more generally to the of rather less importance. But if you commit...if you sell it to me...I will take care of Paul and Michael and you can hide whatever you like from whoever you want to hide it...because we will both know what is in your heart. It is opening your heart as well as your head that is the important thing."

"You make it all sound so easy David...but at times...when she looks at times I think Elizabeth is starting to hate me..."

"She times...right now...because she has been exposed to temptation and sin and you are determined to save her from the devil's touch...cleansing her will take time. You have to believe that she will thank you for saving her one day...and then have the courage to act in her own best interests regardless of her reaction now. Unlike politics, fatherhood is not just a popularity contest my just need to do the right thing."

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