156 17 36

March 19th, 2015

I got my math test back! I didn't get 100%, but I got an A! A 94%! I hope that's good lolz!

There are a few other stories from today. And they're pretty good! :D

Let's start with the first one. Today in English class, the other girl at my table of three left. So it was JUST me and my crush! ^_^

It was so funny, we just kept laughing and laughing AND LAUGHING! We both discovered we are horrible at making decisions and that Bobo the Chimp RULES! XD

I talked to him... I can't believe it!

That's that for that story (how many times can I say "that"? XD) Onto the next!

When we were coming out of music class, my friend STACKED her SUPERheavy books onto mine. I was like collapsing walking out of the room! Of course, my crush was right behind me!

We were talking and this was the convo:

"Zoe, are you sure you're okay? Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine!"

"You look like you're struggling there!"

"Naw man, I'm fine!"

"I can help y'know..."

HE OFFERED TO HELP ME! ☺️ I was so happy!

Then, later, AGAIN, he said "Are you SURE you don't need help?" And again I said I was fine. He is so sweet!

That's basically all I have. Oh yeah, and read mine, winter_injuly , and Thunder-Da-Brony 's new ask book! It's on Winter's profile. We really need some questions!

Goodnight my tacotastic twinkies and sweet dreams! ♡


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