Today. XD

100 16 22

April 6th, 2015

Today went WAYYYY faster than I wanted it to! Today was my last day of Spring Break. I tried to savor it, bit that didn't work. My sister and I really enjoyed Mario Party 10 today! That game is AWESOMESAUCE!

Nothing really happened. Oh ya, my status on the English project! Any normal person would've worked very hard on it to get a lot done. Guess what?


Like guys, seriously, I deserve so much applause for my progress.

*Cricket chirps* No?! Okay, okay, that's cool.

That is legit all I have today. XD So I'll just focus on what I love most: MUSIC!

Okay, SERIOUSLY, go listen to "Another Story"! It is the most beautiful song I have ever heard! My description is a line from that song! LISTEN TO IT! PM me what you think or just put it in the comments!

Please guys. I beg of you. I have cookies for those of you who dooo! ;D

Lol I am so random OKAY BYE XD


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