134 19 51

April 7th, 2015

I really don't see teacher logic.

'Oh, well I'll just assign this huge vocabulary application assignment the same week as the huge exam. Oh ya, the state tests are next week! Perfect!'

Like, WUT?!

Ugh. Life sometimes. Eh, whatever.

So today imma rant a lil. About putting expression into your texts! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, how much effort does it take to type and EXCLAMATION POINT?! For example~

Me: Hiya
Me: Hiya!

Which one would you rather receive?! Uh, duh, THE SECOND! Please, just keep that in mind.

And example of someone who does have a lot of energy and puts it into her texts is iWarriorDashie14 . I LOVE HER SO MUCH! For her AWESOME personality! Stay you, Dashie, you're awesomesauce!



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