🛹🏳️‍🌈😠 Chapter three 😠🏳️‍🌈🛹

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So I just fond this picture and I am in love, love. Use whatever ship u like with the song.

Atsumu POV

I entered the classroom a bit later then the others, but for some reason the teacher wasn't there yet. I scanned the room looking for my brother, once I spotted him I walked up to him, and sat at the desk next to him. "Hey, Samu." I called out to him, since he was currently having a conversation with a boy that has curly black hair, he's kinda cute, no hot, wait what am I saying. "Oh, hey Tsumu. How are ya?" He asked, friendly as ever I see. "Yeah I'm good, ya?" He went silent. "Samu I asked ya a question." Still no response. "Osam-." I said grabbing the wrist that was propping his chin up. I stopped what I was saying, when I saw the massive bruise covering his right cheek. "Osamu I need ya to answer this for me ok." He nodded in response. "How did this happen? I'm not mad at ya ok." I said in concerned voice. He looked at the curly haired boy who nodded, then samu turned back to me. "Three o-of yer fr-friends came u-up to us and the f-fox looking one, s-slapped me across the f-face." As soon as he finished explaining, I pulled him into my lap giving him a big hug, telling him I'm not mad and that it's not his fault. Suna is so dead.

But on a different note I want to know the name of this hot guy. "Hey Samu, ya gonna introduce him to me?" I said looking at the boy in front of us. "A friend." Samu said still cuddled up in my lap. "It's ok, I'm Kyoomi Sakusa and I'm very sorry about my cousins actions." Sakusa said in a very calm voice. Wait Wait Wait, "COUSIN!" I yelled making samu jump since it was so close to his ear. "Sorry," I said patting his head, "But cousin?" "Yeah Rintarō, is my cousin, I really am sorry about him." Sakusa clarified. "No it's ok, I'll kill him, but it's ok."
I reassured them both.

👁👅👁 time skip to lunch because I'm lazy 👁👄👁
(Also just to clarify Sakusa does have germaphobia in this and I think that's how you spell that.)

Osamu POV

As soon as I hear the bell for lunch I sigh in relief. "Finally!" I hear Sakusa say who is sitting in front of me. "Hey Osamu, where did your brother go?" Sakusa said turning around to face me. I looked next to me to realise that he wasn't next to me. "I don't know, probably gone to go and kill ya cousin." I mean that was the most logical answer, but with Atsumu Miya ya just never know.

Sakusa and I were about to leave the classroom when these two guys came up to us. "Well hello there cuties." Bitch number one said pinning me to my chair. "What do you dickheads want?" Sakusa said angry and unamused. "Well we want you two, to do our homework, and if we get anything less then an a. We will hold you two responsible." Bitch number two said pinning Sakusa to his chair. "Get away from me you bitch." Sakusa said in a stone cold voice, and he was starting to look like he wanted to crawl out of his skin. "Oh and what are you gonna do if I don't." Bitch two said reaching for Sakusa mask. Sakusa was done with this guy so naturally he kicked him in the balls.

Sakusa POV

This bitch has the audacity to try and take my mask off and on top of that call me cute. I am so done with him and he's so close to close I can feel my skin crawl but I keep cool. Before I know it I've kicked the guy in the balls. He drops to his knees in agony, I get up from my chair and walk up to the other guy. "Get away from him." I say in my stone cold voice, witch is a lot like Rintarō's, the guy complies to the order I give him. "Now take you and your buddie somewhere else and don't come near me or my friend again. It's quite sad that you have to rely on others to do your homework, come on it's homework." I said bitterly, I really do hang out with Kenjiro to much. The guy grabs his friend and they leave the classroom as fast as they could. "Huh, pathetic." I stated. "We should probably head to lunch, everyone's probably wondering where we are." Osamu suggested. "Yeah we should." I said adjusting my mask while walking to the door, Osamu close behind.

We were walking down the corridor when Osamu asks me a question. "Are ya okay, I mean he was really close to ya and did try to touch ya." He said concern lacing his voice. A shiver runs down my spine. "Don't remind me." When we enter the cafeteria I was not ready to see what I saw...

Sorry this chapters shorter well I think it is anyway I've decided that I'm going to post every Sunday and that is Australian time because I live in Australia. Bye bye!❤️ and make sure to take care of yourself.

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