🏃‍♂️🛹🚶‍♂️ Chapter nine 🏃‍♂️🛹🚶‍♂️

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No one POV 🕵️‍♂️

As the starting line disappeared so did Shirabu, he had taken a short cut through some trees which leads to a tunnel only he knew about. 'Where did he go?' Semi thought while frantically looking around. He knew he would have trouble keeping an eye on him, but he didn't think he would lose sight of him this quickly. Semi started to pick up his pace still keeping an eye out for The Eagle.

Semi saw the finish line and didn't see The Eagle, he was a meter away from winning and then The Eagle came out of no where and completely cut Semi off winning the race. The crowd clapped and cheered as Shirabu wiped sweat from his forehead.

"Your faster then I thought." Shirabu said to Semi genuinely surprised at how fast he was. "Oh ummm, well thanks, I honestly thought I had you there." Semi said a bit disappointed in himself. "Maybe we'll see each other again some time, who knows." Shirabu said waving good bye. "Bye." Semi said quietly walking back over to his group.

"Wow that was amazing!!" Oikawa and Bokuto yelled together. "It wasn't that amazing I did lose." "No it was you, were so close to beating him and this was like your first time against him, right." Daichi said trying to lift up Semi's mood. "Yeah it was, I mean he did say I was faster then he thought." "See you must be good, if someone as good as him is complementing you." Kuroo said earning a chuckle from Semi. "Yeah, I guess your right."

"Alright everyone next up we have The Crow vs Daichi." Komori announced into the microphone. " well I guess that's my cue." Daichi said picking up his skateboard and riding it to the starting line.

"You ready?" Suga questioned. "Never been more ready." He replied. "Ok you both know how this works first to the finish line wins, it doesn't matter how you get there as long as your on your skateboard when you finish and you don't use any type of motor while racing got it?" Komori asked getting an okay or a yep from them. The same lady walked back onto the track, raising the flag in the air.

GO!!!" She yelled swishing the flag down, daichi taking a quick lead.

The crowd was shocked because usually The Crow would take the lead fall behind a bit then get back in front just in time to win the race. Suga wasn't shocked at all, since this is what he was planning to do.

Suga took the first ramp he saw flying so high that it really court daichi of guard. As daichi was going as fast as he could Suga was still in midair almost over taking daichi. When he landed he was just behind his opponent. "Tch." Suga took the next ramp he could find. Making sure that he went long not high. So it would be harder for daichi to overtake him. Successfully doing so he crossed the finish line first.

Again the crowd went nuts. "Not bad, not bad at all." Suga said to daichi wiping the sweat from his arms and forehead. "Thanks, your way better than I thought." Daichi said trying to gain his breath back. "Well loser are people who underestimate others and winners are people who overestimate." Suga said proudly. "So you thought I was that good then." "No it just makes it easier for me to get in a better mind set while racing." Suga responded, earning a chuckle from daichi. "Well bye!!" Suga yelled a bit. "Bye, Crow." Daichi said back.

"Next we have The Tiger vs Kuroo."

The 2 walked up to there spots and got told the rules and they both understood, especially Kenma since he had done this a thousand times before.


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