🛹🏳️‍🌈🛹 Chapter eight 🛹🏳️‍🌈🛹

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I am not sorry that this is kinda a semishira chapter they are one of my favourite ships so 😤😤 deal with it. art not mine.

Shirabu POV 🧂

'That BITCH' I thought while doing a few more tricks on Semi's board before switching with Kenma, it's not a bad skateboard either. "Ok, what was that?" Kyo asked confused. "I don't know one minute I'm on my own skateboard, the next I'm doing this trick I've never done before and landing on Semi's board." I explain. "Wait, wait, wait... Semi?" Iwaizumi asked. "Yeah what about it?" I questioned, Iwaizumi and Kyo shared a look before Kyo started to speak. "Go and sign the board, then find him and give it to him." "Wait why do I have to sign it." I ask. "Well he needs proof that he met you, otherwise no one will believe him." Iwaizumi said handing me a marker. "Fine, fine, whatever." I say before signing the board. We all decided that our autograph would be a drawing of our animal, the word elite and the name of whatever animal we are.

 We all decided that our autograph would be a drawing of our animal, the word elite and the name of whatever animal we are

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(Like this, I know it's not an Eagle but I'm not the best at digital art ok)

I leave the group to try and find Semi. I walk around for a bit until I spot him but he's with the rest of his friend group. 'God damnit why is this so hard.' I think while kicking some dirt. After about five minutes I finally got the courage to walk up to them.

"Ummm, Hey is one of you the owner of this skateboard that I picked up before." I ask trying not to sound like I knew exactly who I was looking for. "Oh yeah, that's mine, I didn't think you would return it." Semi said sounding genuinely surprised. "Narrrr, I'm good with mine, but you do have quite a good board though." "Ahhh, thanks and sorry." "No it's ok, I already had an eye on your board since you and your friend walked up to the front of the crowd." I replied it's really not ok but seeing the blush creep onto his face is worth it though.

Wait what, why am I happy to see him blush the hell. I pass him his board and we say good bye and I walk back to my group we are all most finished for the night anyways.

Semi POV 🎤

As The Eagle walks away, I literally shot circuit 'he was looking pretty much at me' what the hell. I turn my board over to see that he's signed it. "Ok, what the fuck." I'm so dreaming right... RIGHT. "Hey what you looking at?" Atsumu said getting everyone else's attention in our group. "Ummm, me and Suna tried to trip up The Eagle and he signed my board." "WAIT, WHAT!!" Suna yelled very surprised. " I know right, I thought I wasn't going to see my board again." I replied just as surprised.

"Wow, cool now I want one of them to sign my board." Oikawa whined. "Wow, I cant believe you actually got an autograph from your favourite one." Daichi said in disbelief. "Oh yeah that's right, you said that The Eagle was your favourite." Kuroo said. "Yeah, maybe I'm dreaming then, this can't be real." I said, this just can't be real it's just really cliche, like in the end he's going to be my boyfriend and later on in life we get married.

(Come on your better than this Semi and I thought I could trust you not to look into the future😤😤 trust no more🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️)

"Well if your dreaming then we're all dreaming to." Atsumu said. "Hey, Hey, hey, I've got an idea." Bokuto yelled. "As long as it won't get us into trouble, I'm all ears." Daichi said obviously done with Bokuto for the day. "Why don't we challenge them all to a race like one on one races." "That's actually a good idea, well done Bokuto your moving up in the world." Kuroo said sarcastically. "Hey!!" "Alright well lets do this." Oikawa said. "Hey, sorry guys I have to leave you all but I hope the races go well." Akagi said. "Yeah of course we have to catch up sometime soon though." Atsumu said giving Akagi a hug which Akagi gladly returned. "Ok we can arrange something soon, BYE!!!" He said while walking to the exit.

No one POV 🚶‍♂️

As they walked up to were komori was Suna immediately recognised his cousin. "Komori!" Suna said. "Oh, hey rin, it's been ages since I last saw you." Komori said giving Suna a hug which Suna returned. "What are you doing here?" Suna questioned. "Oh, I run the music and stuff, when The Elite come to perform or race." He replied. "I- Wow." Was all Suna could say. "Yo, you going to introduce us." Oikawa said while leaning Suna. "Ummm, Yeah this is komori one of my cousins, komori this is. Oikawa, Atsumu, Semi, Suna, Bokuto and Kuroo." He said pointing at each of them as he said there name. "Ummm we were wondering if we could race against The Elite?" Atsumu questioned. "I'm sure I can organise that for now?" "Ahhh, Yeah." "Ok then." Komori said walking back up to the mic.

"Ok can The Elite please come out, we have some challengers." After he said that the group of infamous skaters came out looking quite surprised. The crowd also looked shocked and everyone was talking. "Ok so these people have challenged you guys to a bunch of one on one races, now we only have time for eight and I've already decided who your going with but for the eighth race you can choose who gets to race again." Komori explained getting nods from both sides.

"So the races in order are
The Eagle vs Semi
The Crow vs Daichi
The Tiger vs Kuroo
The Owl vs Bokuto
The Cheetah vs Atsumu
The Bear vs Oikawa
And The Fox vs Suna." Komori finished off the list as he looked at the group for approval which he just got small nods.

"Ok who will race in the eighth?" Komori questioned. "I will." Atsumu said as there group had already decided before the question was asked. After he said that The Elite were all pushing Osamu forward. "Ummm, I guess I am." Osamu said with zero confidence in his voice. "Ok well that settles it first to race is The Eagle vs Semi." Komori said as they lined up.

"Ok you both know how this works first to the finish line wins, it doesn't matter how you get there as long as your on your skateboard when you finish and you don't use any type of motor while racing got it?" Komori asked getting a nod from both of them. A lady walks onto the track with a flag to start the race.

GO!!!" She yelled swishing the flag towards the ground as they both started to race.

Ok that's it for this chapter hoped you enjoyed and I got like 1000 words for this one so I'm happy
Bye bye❤️❤️

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