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Navier's POV

"YOUR MAJESTYYY!!!" One of my ladies in waiting screamed while I was only doing my daily paperwork.

She looked so exhausted and sweaty. She must have ran all the way here.

"Calm down please. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

She bowed and trued to catch her breath. As soon as she calmed down, I heard words that I thought existed only in my imagination, considering how my husband is willing to put a blind on everything.

"His Imperial Majesty has put his concubine and the Lotteshu's under a house arrest and a trial will commence based on the rumours next week!"

Is this your resolve, Rashta? You came into my room, begging for forgiveness and told me that possibility. Although, I never believed you at first, but you seemed different from who you were when I first met you.

So perhaps, I can give you a second chance?

You have guts, I can give you that.

As much as I sympathize with how she is feeling right now, I couldn't. It was only right that it goes through that process.

The murmurs of my maidens stopped, which lead me to pause my thoughts and saw Sovieshu enter my office.

I stood up and bowed to give respects to him.

He seemed rather unsettled and scared.

"Navier! Please! Raise Rashta's baby!"  He begged desperately. However, I had a feeling this wasn't his usual demands.

He seemed to be disturbed and as if had gone here out of impulsivity.

I tried my best not to be appalled by this ridiculous proposition and hugged him tight to calm him down.

"Your Majesty, I understand that these times are stressful but it is necessary for----"

He cut off my words by shoving me aside.

"Do you not care, Navier? This could have cost our empire! Our empire... Our empire..."

Sovieshu seems to be having a severe mental breakdown and I couldn't anything but hug him tight until he settles down.

I do have realized that a lot of firsts between our marriage happened. The first time I have slapped him, the first time I saw him like this, the first time....

That I saw him vulnerable like this.

It didn't occur to my thought that Sovieshu's responsibility is also taking a toll on his mentality, because I have always believed that we can both handle it.

A few moments later, Sovieshu calmed down and stopped hyperventilating. I poured a glass of water for him to drink so that he could regain his perception once more.

"What brings you here, Your Majesty?" I asked.

Sovieshu looked at me, who finally got his composure.

"I know I have said that if Rashta's speculations are true, we could have kept it as a secret, but this is a different level of threat. What if it turns to be true?"

Out of the moment, I held Sovieshu's hand firmly.

"That's what the trial is for, Your Majesty. Whatever that happens there is for the benefit of the Empire."

I do have to admit, I am still taken back from that suggestion he had proposed the last he asked me to be the mother of his concubine's child.

I, too, wants to angry at him, but seeing him get worked up like this, my heart couldn't help but be warmed.

Sovieshu stood up and silently left my chambers, without ending our conversation.


Rashta's POV

I have been informed that the trial would commence in a week in order to learn the whole truth about the identity of the child I am carrying.

I kept on pacing back and forth while biting my nails out of anxiety. My whole life depends on this. I have to get everything right.

The best thing that I could get is a divorce and be banished from the palace where I could be with Alan, Ian and this child I am carrying.

Wasn't Glorym her name in the orignal novel? I guess I'll keep her the same.

The worst scenario? I don't know. The possibilities are endless.


Viscount Lotteshu's POV

That darn wench! She dares to cross me! Alan has left the mansion without notice along with Ian!

She wants to get rid of me that badly?! Fuck her! I have lots of ways!

Suddenly, a lot of imperial guards have surrounded our mansion. 

"Viscount Lotteshu, the Eastern Empire holds you under house arrest as the investigation for marring the Imperial Family!"  One of the knights declared while reading the edict written in a paper.

"That's nonsense! What did we ever do wrong?! Why are we under house arrest? In what grounds?!"

"You were the family that handled His Majesty's concubine before, isn't that correct? Then you are also held accountable for her lies. A trial will be held next week. Please do wait."

He thoroughly explained. You fucking bitch...! I thought you were just some dumb slave! How dare you stab me in the back?!

"Hmph! That's actually what you get for being greedy." Libetti rolled her eyes at her while crossing her arms only to walk away to her room.

Ah, I see. If there's no Rashta... None of this would have happened.

Mwuahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA! I know how can I deal with a rat like you!

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