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A/N: Is the story getting boring or getting more interesting? Coz I dunno! Even with little views, I'm still going to continue writing as long as there is someone that would read hehe! Thank you for coming this far!


It has been days since the rumours had spread out among the castle. I could feel the scornful looks from all the servants.

Even the lady in waiting assigned to me is utterly disgusted at me, but I didn't mind. I had to show that I was somehow affected by the rumours, so I stayed inside of my chambers out of shame.

However, it was all part of the plan since the most part was being facilitated by Duke Ergi outside.

As my tea was being poured by my maid, a group of knights barricaded my room and dragged the maid out.

"Your Highness--! Let me go!"

I shook my head sidewards as her struggles would be futile.

"Lady Rashta, you are under house arrest upon the orders of the Emperor as the investigation between the real identity of your child is being held by the council."

I can only comply since this is what I wanted to happen anyway. I know the treatment on me is lenient as I am pregnant with His Majesty's alleged child.

Things between the downfall of Rashta happened as soon as possible. This should be after Glorym was born and Rashta was reinstated as Empress, but the sooner the truth gets unveiled, the better it would be for all of us.

Days have passed, I could only spend my time reading the books available in my room. Surprisingly, I was still given quality doctors and food, and that I am grateful of.

Suddenly, Sovieshu entered my chambers, looking all worried. He hurriedly made me sit down and patted my head.

"Rashta? Are you alright? My sincerest apologies, this has to be done... The council is at rage for these rumours..."

I looked down and gripped my skirt, trying my best to hold my tears. Even if this was for a noble cause, I am still scared, because the worst case scenario can happen anytime.

"No, Your Majesty.... It's alright. I understand that Rashta's sudden presence has been really suspicious to everyone. As long as my child and I are safe, that's all I care for."

I smiled at him, but his expression did not falter, it grew a little darker. I can see that he was trying his best to control his temper.

"Tell me, Rashta. Are the rumours true? Only you can tell me exactly what happened!"

His rage suddenly burst out, Sovieshu glared at me and held on my shoulders firmly, shaking me into telling the truth.

"Your Majesty--- I---!" I quivered, since facing the truth head on without any basis can result into death.

"Rashta has no idea that people also thought of the same as her! I was just worried about it for a little bit! Even if it was true, Rashta never meant any harm for the Imperial Family! Rashta does not want to die, Your Majesty.... Please save me..."

I started crying. As a result, Sovieshu's rage slowly faltered. He had hugged me tight and patted my head.

He never said anything about agreeing to save me, but that's alright. I have plans for myself anyway, besides there is also nothing to lose for me, it can be even my way back into my real world.

As long as the truth gets unveiled, I'm satisfied with ending my isekai journey from here.

"A week from now, you will be held in trial. I have also put the Lotteshu Family in detention for interrogation. It will be fixed soon, Rashta. I promise you that."

It will be, Sovieshu. That's for sure. In one fell swoop.


Duke Ergi's POV

The information and plan that the Emperor's concubine gave me are more useful than I thought.

She also instructed me to Alan who is currently out of town with the money that she provided him.

He was living in a simple house. I looked at it and decided to enter without saying anything. What beheld in my sight is a baby boy crying and frantic noises coming from the kitchen.

I grabbed the baby and for it to calm down.  Alan got out from the kitchen with a bowl of what seems to be a porridge.

"Oh! Duke Ergi! What brings you here?" He wiped his hands on his apron.

I continued to cradle the child on my arms until it calmed down and had it settled on the crib.

"Anyway. I know Lady Rashta told you to somewhere far away, but it is urgent that you come back. Just for her trial."

Alan seemed to be surprised when I told him about a trial, well it was expected after all. That woman is crazy. She exposed herself just like that. What is she trying to pull?

"Yes. A trial. Lady Rashta decided to admit the whole truth to the Imperial Court. She would like you to be a witness and help clear her name. However, in exchange of your father's." I explained.

Alan shivered.

This coward. For some reason, I could understand why Rashta ran to that dreaded emperor.

"B-But...! If I do that, I... I might be....! What about Libetti? My little sister is innocent!"

I quickly assured him that his worst fears will not happen. After a long talk, he finally agreed.

Now, all we need to do is wait for the trial to commence.

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