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Probably the most simple collage I've ever made but it's 1 AM, please allow it😭✋

Short chapter about the saturday in Belgium...

Saturday morning

George laid a hand on the big windows of the dining room, tracing one drop of water with his index finger. "It's raining pretty hard" George said slowly, eyes focusing on the rain that was pouring down outside. Alex walked up behind him and laid his chin on George's shoulder as he hummed. "I'm sure you'll do amazing today" Alex muttered, wrapping his arms George's waist. "You think so?" George said with a little smile.

"I know you will. I have a feeling" Alex smiled and placed a kiss on the side of George's neck. To ruin their sweet little moment, Lando pressed up to the couple from behind, wrapping his arms around his two friends. George's face was squished against the window as he groaned in annoyance, as Alex began to giggle. "Will I do good today too Ally?" Lando said with a laugh. "You will too Lando, but only if you let us go"

"Yes please" George muttered out in fake pain, making both Alex and Lando laugh before the younger let go of them. "You three are so weird sometimes," Daniel said, shaking his head in disappointment as he sits down next to Seb. "Am I right?" Seb didn't even look up from his paper as Daniel asked him that. "Daniel, you literally wear two different kind of socks when you sleep because you think it protects you from monsters"

"Hey!" Daniel exclaimed all defensively, crossing his arms. "I've never seen a monster under my bed so it must work" the Aussie replied casually, making Seb snort. "Good morning people!" Callum exclaimed, pulling a very tired looking Mick behind him. "Oh god, what did Callum do to you last night Mick?" Daniel bluntly asked, making Callum burst out in laughter and Mick blush terribly hard. "What the heck Daniel?!" Max shouted in disbelieve.

"You have no right to call us weird when you're saying stuff like this" Lando said with a small grin. You know, that annoying little brother grin. (I don't have younger brothers but I've watched movies okay?) "Lando's right" Seb replied, without looking up yet again. Daniel gasped, acting betrayed and hurt as he let out a whine. "You always choose Lando's side!" Daniel complained, as Lando sticked out his tongue to Daniel.

"You little-" "Carlos!" Lando exclaimed, ignoring Daniel and making grabby hands when Carlos entered the dining room. "Good morning everyone!" The Spaniard greeted with a smile, walking up behind Lando and placing a kiss on top of his head. "Buenos días mi querido" he whispered as Lando gave him a little smile, a blush forming on his cheeks. He's so in love, it's just unfair.

Daniel pretends to throw up by the love scene in front of him, making Lando flip him the middle finger. "Don't act like you don't want a relationship with Max" Lando said, all proud of his 'roast'. "What!?" Max exclaimed, so confused about what has been going on with everyone on this early Saturday morning. "Just shut up Lando" Daniel said with a laugh

After FP3

Charles was just doing the things he was needed to do. Do his interviews, then head to the Ferrari motorhome to debried and go home after, but everything changed when he caught it with his eyes. His eyes caught sight of Lando, driving up to Eau Rouge towards Raidillon. The rain was unbearable at the moment, and Charles was already confused about why they were still even allowed to do their laps in these conditions. Especially at this track.

The camera disappeared behind the big trees, and when it came back to the track, they were supposed to see the papaya orange car of Lando drive onto Kemmel straight. They were supposed to see him shine and throw a shot for pole. He's never been this close. He could do it! He could have done it. But the orange Mclaren didn't make it to Kemmel straight, as the car ended up being a complete wreck.

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