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Mick's dnf

An hydraulic issue made Mick's race end earlier. He was walking over the paddock now, shoulders down and head low as he bit down on his lip behind the mask. His glassy eyes were scanning the paddock, and to be honest, he didn't quite know what he was searching. He knew, but it was impossible right now. His eyes literally flew towards the Alfa Romeo garage, where usually Callum would be already waiting for him.

But now Callum is in America, for the indy car race. He misses Callum deeply, especially now. His arms around Mick, soft whispers telling him that it will be alright. That one day, everything will fall to his luck. Callum isn't here to tell him that now, and Mick doesn't know what to do. So the only thing he can think off is head towards the Haas motorhome, sit on a chair on the roof top and overthink, like he usually.

Okay, that sounds a little sad. He will just watch the race. Cheer the guys on and think about the different race strategies. When he reaches the top, he can already see dark clouds huddle up from a bit of a distance. F1 can be so crazy sometimes, he ponders, the 2021 season is crazy. He lays his arms on the railing, his head resting on top of them as he watches the track from afar, his eyes fluttering closed.

Just when he was feeling himself drift off, his phone was buzzing like a bee in the Spring. He was feeling a bit drowsy with his thoughts far into the dream world already, when he sat up and checked his phone. ' 'Callum❤️' is face-timing...' popped up on his screen, and he immediately opened the call without a second thought, a sleepy smile on his face as he is met with Callum's worried gaze.

"Hey Mick, I saw you retired the- are you okay?? Are you on drugs or something?" Callum commented jokingly with a grin as Mick's eyes jump wide. "No! What the heck Callum!" Mick defended, before he realized the Brit was only teasing him. They both chuckled, before Callum turned serious again with a worried frown. "In all seriousness now, are you okay? Why did you have to retire?" Callum asked, making Mick sigh and lean back in his seat.

"Hydraulic issue. Don't know much more" Mick said with a shrug, before a short silence fell over them. "But are you okay?" Callum asked as Mick bit down on his lip and gave him a nod. "Very convincing" he said, giving Mick the all too famous 'are you serious' Look. The German sighed yet another time in defeat, shrugging up his shoulders. "Why does this have to happen to me?" His voice was small and vulnerable, and it made Callum's frown deepen.

If he could, he would wrap Mick in a hug and cheer him up, but that was easier said than done through the phone. "Mick, it will all get better. Just don't give up now" Callum said with a small smile, making the German return one the best he could. "When will you get back?" Mick asked cautiously, making Callum smile even more. "Don't worry, you won't have to miss me for long" he said with a wink, causing a blush to rise up on Mick's cheeks.

"I'm not- I don't- I don't miss you!" Mick exclaimed, before a hiccup escaped his throat. Callum started to laugh at the other end of the phone call, as the red colour on Mick's cheeks only got worse. "Maybe a little.." Callum started to laugh even harder now, as Mick finally gave in and giggled along. Callum watched the other with a fond smile, and the only thought in his head going something along the line like 'gosh, he's so cute'

They don't even realize they've been laughing for a minute, when Mick suddenly fell silent, shock visible on his face. Callum frowned, trying to take a closer look. "What's wrong bubba?" Mick suddenly turned his face up towards the sky, sticking out his hand before he turned back to Callum with his mouth open. "It's starting to rain.." Callum's eyes widen as well. Oh god, please let everything go alright.

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