Chapter 1

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Literally nothing. Maybe typos cuz I only proof read once. Slightly indecisive reader.

It has only been a few months since Loki's vicious attack on New York city. The city looked more deserted and a little peaceful with less people on the streets. People were still dealing with the trauma caused by the dangerous events that had occurred in New York City a few months ago.

The positive side was that there were no deaths during Loki's attack. The avengers had managed to save almost everyone. Only a few wounded had been recorded. The town was still in ruins from Loki's attack but the people had begun to reconstruct the buildings and lead normal lives again.

Tony had agreed to lend the stark tower as the Avengers HQ and as a permanent living place for them. All the avengers were living in the stark tower now. You were quite elated having gotten to live with the avengers and having gotten to know them. You have been with them for more than about a month. You have already managed to be friends with Natasha, Steve and Wanda. All was going well or so you all thought.

Early morning the next day Nick Fury came to meet you in your room and sat down on the couch next to your bed waking you up with a start. It took a few seconds for you to calm yourself from the unannounced and abrupt appearance.

"We have decided to give you your first mission," Fury stated.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. For a moment you thought that you were dreaming and tried to punch yourself but it was real.

You are being given your first mission. But you had one question. Are you ready to be on a mission? The answer was yes. You have been wanting to go on a mission ever since your arrival at the Stark Tower. But you decided to ask Mr.Fury about his perspective of this.

"But sir, it's just been only more than a month since I joined the avengers. Do you think it's fine if I had my first mission right now?" you inquired, an expression of zealousy lucid in your stance.

You really wanted to go on a mission and you really hoped that he would not object after listening to your inquiries on the subject.

"Yes. I am quite certain that you will be perfect for the mission," he responded urgently. "If you could come down stairs in 30 minutes we can talk about it," he opened the door and left, his feet making a thudding noise on the wooden stairs.

You glanced at the clock and noticed that the time was 3.15 a.m. You stretched your hands for a minute to gain control over your drowsy self and entered the bathroom to get cleaned up. You cleaned up and changed in 15 minutes and ran downstairs swiftly.

You noticed Mr Fury sitting around the dinning table talking to the others in hushed tones. They stopped once their attention fell upon you. You found your seat and sat down immediately.

"Agent y/n," he addressed you, "I think you are aware of the catastrophe that occurred in New York last month and who had been responsible for the chaos," he inquired earning a nod from you. How could anyone not be aware of that? "Loki will be returning back to Earth with Thor tomorrow evening."

"According to him asgard prison has suffered an attack from some kind of elves and they are unable to hold prisoners in asgard any longer. So we are supposed to secure his stay until they fix the plight that had befallen upon asgard," he continued, "We have decided that you will be given the task of guarding him and making friends with him until he remains here. We think that he would be much less annoying and easier for you to handle because he has never interacted with you and holds no grudge against you."

You tried to ask him how you would be able to complete such a task but he read the expression on your face and added, "Please do not interrupt me, agent y/n. You can ask questions after I have explained the situation."

He stopped for a minute to see that you fathomed what he just said and continued urgently.

"Thor thinks that there's a slight chance that he will feel remorse for all the perils he induced upon the people of earth and all the murders he had been responsible for. He will be given a room in your floor so that you can start your mission immediately," with this he stopped and waited for your response.

You could feel everyone's unwavering gaze on you. You contemplated about the matter for a while.

Will I be able to carry out such a risky mission? There'll be a numerous amout of contingencies. But if I decline the mission I might have to wait for a lengthy time period to be appointed on another mission. And I'm absolutely certain that Mr.Stark will go to any lengths to ensure that I don't get appointed to another mission for my own safety.

"I will try my best sir," you responded offering him a weak smile which he did not return. You weren't surprised anyway. He never smiled with anyone. He nodded and left the tower being satisfied enough with your response.

As soon as he left, everyone started hugging you and congratulating you.

"Well done lil moody," Tony teased you even though he looked slightly distraught. You chuckled at his tease.

He had given you this nickname because of your perpetual moodiness. Your moodiness was probably because you were a 17 year old teen. One minute you are happy and blissful, the next angry and fazed.

"Thanks Mr.sarcastic," you returned the tease laughing.

"Well done y/n. You have been appointed on your first mission. How are you feeling?" Natasha questioned, her face beaming with happiness.

You cocked your head towards her and gave a reassuring smile for which she replied with a slight nod.

"Let's have a toast," Wanda suggested. They all poured glasses of champagne and handed you a coke because you were underage to drink. You took it gladly beaming with happiness at their excited expressions.

"To y/n " Wanda exclaimed and everyone reiterated except for Mr. Stark who said "To lil moody," and took a sip from the glass.

You gave the widest of your smiles to Mr. Stark which he returned gladly. It was ineffable why you felt comfortable around Mr.Stark than anyone else. You felt like you were in the presence of your demised father. He was so protective towards you like a dad. He gave you nicknames like your dad and he was extremely sarcastic, which you preferred so much about him.

After the toast they all conversed for a while and went to bed except for you. They were all awoken earlier than usual by Mr. Fury to notify them about your mission. You were awoken earlier than usual as well but you didn't feel like sleeping right now.

In fact you have never felt more awake. The confidence you gained while talking to the others seemed to waver and morphed into agitation and doubt. You felt like a heavy ball of metal was stuck in your heart.

How can you befriend a person like him? He will never want to be your friend. You're so different from each other and he's a damn god who tried to subjugate mortals. That means he dislikes all mortals. How on earth am I supposed to do this?

As these thoughts pierced your heart like cold daggers, your confidence wavered like a fragile shard of glass. You cast your thoughts aside and began to watch TV. After hours of contemplating you fell into a troubled sleep on the couch while watching TV.

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