A chapter of a cup of tea from my school lol

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And yes I AM THE TEA

So I'm stalked by toxic old shits I used to call my friends somehow. I have a own lunch room cuz of it. Like this shits look for me around the whole school and if I'm not there they wait on me on the parking lot just to annoy me. Like that's helping you? They want me to break down lol. TEACHERS on my side since they spread rumors or shit I did a long time ago and APOLOGIZED and SHUT IT DOWN. Lol wtf am I supposed to do. Well one kid is gonna get there ass whopped if that mom gets angry enough:/. I don't feel bad to be honest :) well I can't say I do, I'm sorry. Now they're spreading rumors like 1-2 YEARS OLD just to turn the teachers to me. Even told them if they tell anything in a type of way they says the story to them if it don't match mine it's false. My parents even know lol. I need therapy but that shits boring. At least I don't get mad over a black crop top someone I know has that I have. IM LOOKING AT YOU the whole shithead that tried to manipulate me and stole everyone's friend. And they're 5e one doing all this, the others are just minions. BUT I will make this as an diary of what happens cuz I'm bored and stressed. This is my type of therapy. Tell random people on the internet YES IM SO SMART WOW

Oh yeah and one of there friends let's call her MA tried to follow my private tiktok account I don't use. Girl stop stalk me. IM of you looking at u TE did not give the shithead my number and then tried to call me.

Well I'm so sorry I'm just perfect and you see me as a threat or want to be me lol

Update: But I'm is 4:45 pm while writing this now and nothing more have happened. I'm home alone with my little brother cuz mom and dad are gone for almost 24 hours :) will need to take him to school tho- I got a new outfit yesterday :) I got scarred of a soccer teams fans since I hate that team and I saw like 70 people supporting them. But got jeans luckily, only had two pair of jeans now three :) didn't buy black flare pants sadly :( but Pull & Bear is the place for hoodies. My white shirt from Zara had a hole in it I saw when I was about to put it in my got damn closet. Can maybe post the pick of my new stuff tomorrow :) NEW SHOES and I'm like 5'10 in them (I'm 5'9/5'8.8) BLACK BOOTS WITH A PLATFORM. just yes. Idk if the shithead will be in school tomorrow but I hope not but still do since the teachers will try to talk to her and her parents :) but I'm home alone with my brother, will make pancakes for dinner :)) if a fire begins prob not since I got the Seggsy microwave to make pancakes. I will call my bsf's mom and prob grab my new outfit, skincare, perfume, new shoes and old ones, a jacket, tote bag, money and run to them with my brother or neighbor :) and prob to the neighbor that I used to go in the same class as, like we're friends but not friends now lol. But yeah.

Oh yeah thanks for the one feeling sorry for me <3 I do too :') update from school comes tomorrow while I wait for my brother on his padel practice. Yes our parents are snobs :( or not but with sports :) gonna write a chapter then maybe :) or workout :) MY BSF CALLING ME >:)

Update: same day but 5:37 pm now and my teacher who social idk what it is in English I'm Swedish sorry. Has now something about internet/social media. Not how the whole fucking drama started but it's about how it's changing over time if I'm right. Well it says that. A GROUP project- I'm screwed haha, she's one of the teachers involved with The Whole drama shit. It's also about what you can say for people in a country and how it's different to different country's but god I got stressed when I saw the shit. Films about mas media and ads. OF COURSE media and communication but that's extra assignment you can do. Gonna do them since I need teachers to like me. And some of the shit is from like 2019 but they bring it up RIGHT AFTER this shit happens. I don't think it's something about me but I'm paranoid, stressed and I overthink so UMMMM
But I think it's chill- I'm just scared of tomorrow- my stalker number one (shithead in this "operation" they have) is prob not there cuz of a cup in golf? But if I will sit in a room with my friends and eat- or run to the store and hide until I begin in like 5 minutes? Just hiding as normal yk? IVE APOLOGIZED, TOLD THEM I DID SOMETHING SHITTY, MONTHS AGO. THEY HAVE NO FUCKING REASON TO SPREAD IT EVEN MORE- I get weird looks from like almost 60 people lol. Ik y'all hate me I'm so sorry- or not idk sorry for the people that's sad but nah- not to the shithead who uses people's insecurities to stay higher in an argument, gets mad at me for having a black tank top and a tennis skirt? LIKE HOW MUCH PROBLEMS DO YOU HAVE WITH YOURSELF? I know some of them but god wtf

Update: same day but 5:50 pm. A nice girl from my class wanted to follow my insta, haven't posted since 2019 and I just unfollowed the shitheads and I followed her back ofc I ain't dumb, got no problems with her. I never talk to her tho. But I let her follow me :) just being nice yk. I need to be nice so yeah :3

UPDATE: Monday 30 august 7:27pm. So at school the shithead and her bestie is at the same lunch place but I think they changed (asked two friends, one is related to the best friend) or they went to the store thinking I would be there. There not mean or anything in school except saying hi to me :/ like "Hiiiiii m/n!" With I think the most fakest obvious smile ever. But when I was about to go, my best friend has Spanish with the shithead and the best friend I said goodbye while walking with my friend who's related to shitheads best friend and I saw the shithead and just ran, an awkward run so she wouldn't see me, I think it worked :) then three guys came from my class as me and her were walking and we started talking for like one minute as always- I love how two of them always says "Hiii girlsss" like it's so funny. Then the skater my best friend has a little tea with cuz of he took her mf locker came on his skateboard- pls learn me to skate, I can just one trick like dayum- but me and my brother survived 24 hours in a house alone :) update tomorrow :) but not me bringing rose quartz everyday in my pocket to fucking survive :)

ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! I'm working slowly on a new story called "No regrets" about 5 or 6 teens running away to nyc :) not telling so much, I haven't write much so sorry gonna write one chapter then on this story lol, this story is slowly turning into a cup of tea from my school- IM GONNA MAKE A BOOK WITH JUST TEA FROM MY SCHOOL OMG YESSSSSSSSSS

UPDATE: sitting in the room with 4 of my friends, one left and she is one desperate for friends, prob went and told the shitheads sitting where I'm supposed to eat- UPDATE IM HOME NOW LOL but I asked a friend to look if she was there, she was, I told my teacher I don't like her and her best friend sitting in the same place to eat lunch but I didn't see her. Almost skipped Spanish lol- I survived without my two closest friends tho :) I will maybe skip my practice in pádel today- sorry but my feet hurts :) I survived I guess. At P.E two boys told me to put down my phone- like let me watch Emma chamberlain alone thank you

UPDATE: so Ummm I'm hiding in the bathroom- I saw my friend crying and the shithead comfort her, I didn't wanna go to them cuz of that but I would love to make my friend happy, she's like friends with the shotheads so yeah, saw the shitheads durning lunch, I just went past since I were talking to a friend meanwhile, I wanna comfort my friend but I can't- the shithead just kind of is there, I don't know if her best friend saw me so I'm hiding until my friend comes back from leaving her stuff home :) my lesson starts in 30 minutes so yeah :/ but I'm gonna wait now until people aren't outside the bathroom to go out- like 20 people outside lol

Update: about to go sleep now but this is important, everything with all this drama is deleted of the shitheads phone, got her in some deep shit- sorry I apologized 3 months ago and u can't take that- but I will need to talk to them on Tuesday because "I need to realize I can hurt people's feelings" no shit Sherlock, you should know what some of the bitches did to me years ago haha. The trauma from 2-7th grade- I'm in 8th grade but yeah the drama queen who can't take a sorry for something she isn't involved in OF COURSE needs to make it a big deal, MONTHS AFTER and yes I think I won this shit- like I just some ppls feelings but uh- I would be in a psych ward or in jail if y'all knew what's in my head but chill anyways so- UHMMM my PARENTS will need to be on that fucking meeting- but I need to realize "I can hurt people's feelings" yeah like I didn't have anxiety the whole summer bc of this shit lol- SHE SPREAD THE SHIT AND THEY KIND OF BALMED IT IN ME UNTIL I SAID THEY HAVE STLKED ME FOR YEARS LOL- they've been trying to find something wrong with me, they did, no one believes them. What do we learn, THINK WHAT YOU WANT AND DONT FUCKING SAY IT LIKE EVER- only trust your self babes <3

But yeah- my friend dyed her hair black, called her emo bc it's fun :) (no hate towards emos) I need to ask a guy in my class to open my locker since I couldn't- and now I use his technique:) thanks dude </3 I REALLY LIKE REALLY NEEDED THE HELP :D I saw the shithead two times today actually, one time she didn't see me :) and the other she tried to say something interesting whlie I was walking by to get my attention? Girl you stalk me, obsessed much but I wa talking to my friend like dayum- not gonna look at your crusty musty face then like no<3

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