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I'm proud i actually have something to write, sorry for not been doing it for months, I don't even know how long at this point- But i will try to write sometime- oh i don't answer comments bc i just can't- i can't fix it either but yeah- i kinda wanna do a Holes story knowing i will never finish it- but if u got any ideas on who I should do it about pls comment it, any ideas is needed <3 thank u

Y/N's pov

So it's the next day
Me and Adam talked about how we should say to our team and we know the team will understand, except Cole. It's annoying knowing he maybe won't talk to us again but it's 1 month until school quits and they graduate so it won't be that hard.

I texted Rick to meet me with Scooter by the fountain. I didn't tell them why of course but I think they already know why.

When I came there they were standing there.
Rick put his arms out while I came and hugged me, kissed me on my cheek. And then I let go off Rick and have Scooter a hug. It's just the hard part now.

"So I think you guys know why I wanted to talk to you two" I said in a tone that was a little sad.
I could see both of there faces looking a little less happy than before

"Is it about the game next week against the ducks?" Scooter asked

"Yeah, it is" I responded

"So.. Me and Adam kinda wants to be on a he ducks team for that match since it's our original team, the ones we went as team USA with, it's just Dean that's missing as you two know"

Rick and Scooter turned there faces too each other for a second. But it looked like they had the same thought on there minds.

"Yeah, we get that and we're not gonna stop you guys. Like if me and Scooter were on different teams I would change to his team if I had the chance" Rick asked

"We heard you two talking to the coaches, we knew it" Scooter added

"Adams telling the rest off the team except Cole because we really don't know if we should tell him or not, he will find out but we know it will start an argument between too many people which we don't want." I responded
I felt my voice started to get more in a serious tone.

"I mean either way there will be an argument as he will just come after and argue, but he will just be mad the whole game and take the rage out on you two in the rink which can cause some injuries. We've seen him mad before and it's not pretty" Rick said in a serious tone

"Should we call Adam since the whole team except Cole should know by this point and then we can sit him down and break the news about us switching teams?" I asked

Scooter picked up his phone and called Adam which he short after he answered. I told Scooter to put him on speaker so we all could talk.

"Hey Scooter, I suppose your with Y/N and Rick?" Adam spoke

"Oh yeah there are, but now to the serious stuff." Scooter said
The vibe changed in the whole circle, I felt and you could hear a quiet sound from the other line, almost like a gasp from someone in the background. I suppose he were also on speaker so the team could hear us too.

"How should we handle everything with cole?" Scooter added

"Meet us by the other side off the campus, by the swimming house" Adam said and clicked us.

"I suppose we should head there now" Rick said

He took my hand as we walked off with Scooter to the swimming house. I could feel me starting to stress about how Cole could react as you never know. Sometimes he's just quiet and other times he yells and if he's in a bad mood or it's just bad he can get psychical. Rick let go off my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. Like his hand was on my left shoulder, the one away from him. We walked quiet. No words. I think we all thought about how we can tell Cole the best way or how he would react.

When we came the whole team was there, except Cole of course. I wonder what he's doing right now.

"Soo.. how should we tell him and what could the conciseness be?" Adam asked as we came

"Be more quiet cake eater" I told him as he was being a little too loud to the point that someone actually looked at him

"People will hear us, it's better if we were inside somewhere to talk but it's too thin walls" Rick added to my sentence

"I've known him since 6th grade, he will get psychical" Hart said

"That's the catch, either way he will get mad, I don't think we can do anything to make it better" Bard said

"So by this point it's just to say the truth and kinda run away?" I asked

"Pretty much, we can try to have him away from you guys as much as possible, it's just bad that you two have your dorms in the same corridors." Darrow said

"At least you two don't share a dorm with him" Labine added

"So we're just gonna tell him 'Me and Y/N won't be playing for our team next week, we will ply with the ducks. We're sorry but please respect our decision." Adam spoke

"Sounds like a plan" I said

"Let's do it tomorrow, let's just get some rest after this and meet him somewhere after school" Kabine spoke as we all went back to our dorms to get some sleep

BACK, sorry i haven't posted since October 22nd last year. it's 2nd July- sorry y'all, will try to be more active

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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