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Still Y/N's POV

I woke up and got ready. Rick waited outside on me. When I come out almost the whole varsity team was there, Adam to. Me and Adam didn't know where the breakfast were so they showed us. Adam wanted to sit with the ducks and me to but Rick just grabbed my shoulders and Scooter grabbed Adam's and turned us to the varsity table. I looked at Connie and she knew I was upset but we went and sat down with the varsity. I looked at Julie and she was upset. I really wanted to sit with them. I think she knew.

Me Rick and Scooter had the same classes. Connie and Julie to. I almost run up to them and gave them a hug. They knew I were upset about all this. They were to. Rick and Scooter showed us all where our classes where. It's good that I could work with Julie and Connie durning the classes. The bash bros came also durning one break and hugged me. I miss my bash bros.

Charlie didn't even look at me and Adam at lunch. Scooter told me that he did one time but not with a happy face.

It's fun that my best friends are shorter than me. But Fulton and Dean are like 6'3.

When I came to the lunch of course I saw Rick take Ken's lunch. Hell nah that ain't gonna happen.
I came to them and just took Ken's lunch and gave it to him.

"Imma talk to them, okey Kenny?" I said

"Thanks bash babe" he said

"By the way is Charlie and Luis mad at me?"

"Charlie is most mad at Adam but I have told him that you two didn't choose to be on varsity. Luis on the other hand is all over Mindy. Even though you and him are together." He said

"He's all over Mindy?" Rick asked

"Oh yeah he is." Ken said

"Well I've wanted to break up with him for a time now, I guess it's the right time now" I said

"Wait, right now?" Adam asked

"Yeah like you we're perfect together!" Ken said shocked

"Yeah right, I will be back very soon. If I look at anyone of you guys just come help me out" I said

"Yeah of course" Rick said

Ken went back to the ducks and I got to Luis. The whole varsity team was quiet ready to come if anything happens.

Ken told the other when Luis and me had walked away. They all watched. Connie was worried knowing things weren't perfect as people thought.

"Luis. Come now, I need to talk to you. Right now" I said and grabbed his hand and walked outside the cafeteria.

"So what do you wanna talk about" Luis asked

"Yeah right. Your all over Mindy and I think we should break up actually" I said

"Wait what? You can't break up with me Y/N"

"Yes I can"

"No Y/N you don't understand"

"Yes I do and I'm leaving" I said while walking but he grabbed my wrist.

I think they saw because Rick, Ken, Dean and Fulton came fast.

"Y/N you don't understand. I need you"

"Luis. Just understand I can't be with you I'm so sorry but get with Mindy. We all know you like her so just let me be. I don't want to have something to do with your problems!"

"Luis. Just understand she doesn't want to be with you" Ken said as fast as he came

Luis let my arm go. Me and Rick went back to the varsity table but before I could hear Rick whisper something to Dean. It went like "Thanks for helping Y/N" and Fulton said "No problem man" meanwhile Rick put his arm on my shoulder while we walked back.

As we went back you could hear Ken, Dean and Fulton argue with Luis meanwhile we went back to the table.

"Did it go good Y/N?" Dwayne asked while I was walking past

"Not so good, they argue right now" I said

Me and Rick went and sat us down at the varsity table.

"Okey so you guys will never take some ducks lunch like Ken's? Right?" I asked

"Yeah" and "of course" came from everyone in the team

Me and Adam just looked at each other with a smile.

My Varsity boy [Y/N x Rick Riley]Where stories live. Discover now