Chapter 1

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In the North Western Lands of the continent resides a place of study, Magic Academy of Ursula. Through the aged stoned walls and colossal metal gates of this majestic establishment were marbled floors, large extravagant pillars, symmetrical mosaic windows, ceilings that seem to go on forever and many inhabitants. This castle has surely stood against the test of time but regardless, it remained well kept.

"Master Gord, you've told me this story many times." You don't mean to interrupt the man, but you're not sure why he's repeating this anecdote for the umpteenth time.

"Listen carefully, (Y/N). It's important that you remember this. For today is an important day. Do you know why?"

Your lips purse and your gaze goes up towards the boundless ceiling of the castle, "I'm supposedly graduating today."

Gord continues his narrative. He tells you about the history between Fire Throat and Wind Fort and a chronicle of the Magic Academy; an event that took place just before you arrived a few years ago, eager to learn the ways of the arcane.

"Valir, the Son of Flames. The Wielder of Fire." You repeat after Gord mockingly and then you scoff.

Every single person whose affiliated with Ursula Academy of Magic knows or has heard of Prince Valir of Fire Throat. He was infamous and not just around these parts of the country.

"I have one final request." Gord says, "If you complete this task. I will grant you the seal of the academy."

You sigh inwardly. After a few long and grueling years of study you'd think your mentor would let you graduate like any other disciple here. But what you didn't know was that you were different (in Gord's opinion at least). You were a very capable young woman with great potential, just like Valir. Except you had a heart of gold and you were obedient; you also didn't dare mix your elemental water magic with the arcane arts-he forbade it.

"And, what might this request be?" You're curious.

"I need you to find Valir and bring him back to me."

Your jaw wants to drop but you maintain composure, "Me? Valir?"

The lack of confidence was evident in your voice and Gord can hear it, "I know what you're thinking. That there's noway you could go up against him. But trust me when I say this-you can."

"Why can't you summon someone from Valley of Winds to fetch the delinquent? Windtalkers, they'll blow the guy away and his flames." You laugh at your pun but Gord doesn't (he's a serious guy). Then you speak again, "What about Vale?"

"Valir means too much to Vale. He won't have the strength and willpower. Vale will die in exchange for his friends happiness." Gord explains, "I'm afraid I've run out of free time myself. They need me here. Valir would recognize and sense me a mile away. It'd be too difficult. There's no one else capable of handling him."

"And you think that I can handle him?" You smirk, "I'm flattered."

"As much as I don't want to stroke your ego, yes." Gord crosses his arms behind his back, "Afterall, you're from the Vonetis Islands. Your water manipulation will give you the upper advantage."

"Valir has arcane power. He could defeat me with that alone without using his fire magic." You challenge his mind.

"Of course. I'm glad you thought of this without me having to tell you. Don't forget, so do you." He smiles, "Which is why you, my dear, is the apprentice that I have been seeking."

You honestly didn't want to embark on this potentially parlous adventure. But you had to. The man made himself clear, the quest needs to be completed in order to graduate. And not only that, you respected Gord too much to deny him. Plus, why else would you have endured such brutal practice(s) over the years if not for these exact reasons.

You're quiet and he thinks you're apprehensive. Who wouldn't be? He speaks, "I know you're hesitant-"

You stop him from continuing, "I'll do it."

Gord nods, "I knew you would."

He then goes on to tell you where to begin. But in all honesty, it was a shot in the dark. Gord then cautions you to be careful as the man can be cunning and a formidable opponent.

"Understood. Anything else I need to know?"

"Yes, I must warn you." He says in a rather serious manner, "He's incredibly handsome."


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