Chapter 3

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Women and men walk around barely clothed and some even in the nude. There were no doors inside this establishment; only translucent curtains which were mostly undrawn. Sounds of moaning and grunting could be heard as you walk through the dim corridors; none were shy of their noises or indecent words that they spoke. Even naked bodies pressing against each other in the most vile ways could be seen. The entire place smelled of sex.

There were many rooms, some more private than others and all furnished with beds and chairs draped in velvet and satin. A myriad of different people come for self pleasure, some out of boredom and some to live out their fantasies. A few of these engagements, unfortunately, undisclosed to their families and friends due to shame or adultery.

You continue down the same path until you reach the center of this business. This room that you enter was for lounging. Only a few men reside in this area. A couple of them exchange light conversation in a corner and one, sits by himself on a loveseat.

The man who sits alone, he was a blond with eyes of crimson. A brawny male who wore billowing pants in black and the colors of his sash were of a deep red. His arm-wear, wrist-wear and belt were crafted from pure gold. Your eyes try not to ogle at his half exposed chest and well defined features. This man, he was indeed, very handsome.

You approach the blond. His legs were propped atop the low table and he had an arm resting against the backrest of his seat. The man doesn't indulge in the women of this whorehouse. Instead, he eats an apple.

"What an unusual thing to be eating at a brothel." That was the first thing you say to the male as you stand before him.

The man's crimson orbs meet yours and he smirks. He finds your sense of humor amusing. He takes a bite of his apple and chews it rather slowly while you remove the hood of your cape. His gaze doesn't leave you.

"Couldn't find anything worth eating." Then he gives you a once-over, "Although, I must ask. Do you happen to be on the menu?"

He winks and you scoff, "I'm flattered. Really. But I can't be of service to you at a place I do not work."

The man knew you didn't work here. He could tell by your attire which was revealing and tight in all the right places. You wore a silk robe which is lined with intricate details of lace and elaborate embroidery. The jewelry that adorned your neck and hands were embellished with gems of aquamarine, sapphire and lapis. He knew you weren't from this country just from the colors alone. These precious stones which were saturated in variants of blue, it reminded him of his time in the Vonetis Islands.

With the help of Vale's guidance, it had taken you several days to reach the Moniyan Empire. This country held a number of cities. One of them Braidwood, which is an isolated town that had been abandoned many years ago by its people who suffered from famine and deprivation. Now, criminals and such hideaway in Braidwood. However, Valir was nowhere to be found there. If you thought about it, you wouldn't take him as someone who would spend his life confined and concealed away from the eye of the public. So you head towards the capital, Lumina City. Lumina City is the most prosperous place in all of Land of Dawn and is also the trade center of the continent. The streets were always busy here. And it was there, on the streets that you stumbled into an elderly woman who gave wind of Valir's whereabouts.

The blond finishes his apple and brings himself to an upright sitting position. He smiles rather smugly, "So are you implying you can be of service to me, perhaps, elsewhere?"

You curse internally at your extemporary words and his suggestive remark. How could someone possibly be so provocative?, "Don't be silly."

"What's a lady of your stature doing in a whorehouse?" He plants his arms onto his knees, "You don't look like you're from here."

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