Chapter 1

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"-ey, hey... Hey! Kathryn, Puffys outside waiting for you." "hm? Oh ok. Tell her I'll be a sec." the young boy says still trying to adjust to the cheap light above him 'not this again' He thinks. 'How many times has it been?' getting up out of bed he begins to pack the few things he has to call his own 'two, four, nine... Seventeen?' aka the amount of family's he's been with throughout his time in the foster system.

Tommy was first thrown into the system at the pure age of 4 after his mother had gotten in a car accident, his father became overwhelmed while having to take care of a child and pay bills making sure she had everything she needed, all while mourning the loss of his wife. And after some heavy consideration he decided to put his 4 year old "daughter" in the foster system thinking it would give her a "better life". WRONG. If anything it made his life shittyer. The adoption system was no joke, Especially since Tommy was a young teenage girl, that was like throwing a bunny into a cage with wild lions that haven't eaten in months. He didn't have a chance! But here he was 15, tired, and traumatized.

Without having brushed his teeth Tommy exits the room.

"Morning Tommy." Puffy says, greeting the young boy. "morning." "You know the drill, today you have a new foster family." She explains while walking both herself and Tommy to the door. "His name is Phil Watson, He has two son's-"."SON'S? You know how I feel about going into homes that have 'men' in them!" Tommy had many past "experiences" with boys from other foster homes and near to none of them were good. "Come on can't you trust me on this one. I've known Phil since college, he's like a marshmallow. Now hop in" She says while unlocking her vintage van. "You know, one day they're just going to fire you for having some big ass van with Tinted windows." Tommy jokes." Just get in the van." Puffy says, sounding offended.

"Remember, the first thing you do when you get in ther-"."I know, I know. Find three possible exits. And contact you if anything goes wrong, you've explained this to me every time I've gone into a new foster home." Tommy says unimpressed. Puffy was in the foster system for quite some time also so she knows all the "in's and out's."

"Alright you little fuck, how many blocks have we driven since we've left the group home?" Puffy asks to see if Tommy's been paying attention.


"That's what I thought, now for your information, the Watson's house is 1 hour and 15 minutes away." Puffy explains while trying to prove a point. 'Alright miss know it all' Tommy thinks while rolling his eyes.

At a red light Tommy watches Puffy Scuffle through her duffel bag trying to find something. A second later she pulls out a family sized bag of potato chips "here, it's 8:00 am so when you arrive at the Watson's they'll probably start breakfast a minute or two after you come in but that's in an hour so you should probably put something on your stomach." ." alright thanks." without a second thought the young boy had already tokens 2 handfuls of chips.


"Tommy, we're here." Puffys says while shaking Tommy awake. "Hmm?" . "Come on." Puffy says while exiting the van, Tommy follows. Puffy goes to knock.

"Good Morning Phil, it's really nice to see you again." Puffy smiles "Good morning to you too mate, come inside so we can chat and introduce ourselves." Phil says, opening the door wider. "And Hello Kathryn". "Kathryn" says nothing in return. Phil shrugs it off.

"Come sit in the living room, the boys should be down in a sec." Phil says closing the front door. Tommy was taller than Phil but not by a lot which could only lead him to imagine how tall the two boys are. "So how have you guys been doing?" Phil asked while taking a seat on his couch. Puffy decided to take a seat next to him. "Pretty good." "and you Kathryn?" Phil says look towards him. "Fine..." Tommy takes a seat in the love chair. "That's good." for a good 15 minutes Phil and Puffy just start talking about legal stuff until Phil finally has enough. "I'm sorry my sons must slept in this morning, I'll go wake them up." Phil says getting up from his couch.

When Phil leaves a million thoughts start raising through Tommy's head. 'How old are they? What do they look like? Do they smoke? How tall are they?' He stays in that anxious state until he feels something touch his shoulder. He raises his head not knowing it was down in the first place. "Look I know this might seem like a lot but you're gonna have to trust me on this one, ok?" Puffy says, trying to calm the boy down. Tommy nods.

A minute or two later Phil comes back down the stairs, and behind him were two young men one with bright pink hair and the other with round shaped glasses both of them taller than big foot with platform boots. "I'm sorry for the wait, these are my two sons Wilbur and Techno." Phil looks behind him and gives them a look that says 'Be friendly'. "I'm going to go start on breakfast while you guys get acquainted." Phil says leaving the two boys in the living room. "Hey I'm techno, I'm 17 and I wanna go back to bed." techno says laying down on a couch. "Hello I'm Wilbur, I'm 18 and I'm blind without my glasses." Wilbur says taking a seat of his own. "Hi I'm Puffy, I'm 32 and I'm Kathryn's social worker." She says Greeting the two boys. Silence. Both the boys and Puffy looked over to Kathryn expecting an introduction. "Umm, hi I'm Kathryn I'm 15 and I like dogs?" he says trying to please the 3 other people in the room.

"Well I should probably get going since I have a few other things to do today. It's been a pleasure meeting you." Puffy says escaping her chair

*S L A M

Puffys left and now it's just Tommy and the two boys. "So... Do you want a tour?" Pinky- no Techno asks, breaking the tension. "I guess we have nothing better to do." Tommy says getting up from his seat.

It was an average house, two bathrooms, one up stairs, one down stairs, four bedrooms (Tommy's was the guest room). Living room, kitchen, backyard, and even an office where Phil did most of his work.

"That's pretty much it for the house tour. Do you have any more questions?" Willbur asks with a smile that says "please let me leave"." No, that's all I wanted to know, thanks for showing me around." And with that the three went back to their respective rooms.

Tommy's room only had a bed, a desk, and a closet, but the most important thing in the room was the lock on the door. Not many foster homes allow their kids to lock their doors using excuses such as 'I pay the rent' or 'you're too young to have privacy' so seeing this was like a gift from the gods. And it was quite quiet for the most part. The only thing that was breaking it was the sound of a guitar playing a few rooms away. 

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