Chapter 3

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Tommy looked both ways before stepping out of the bathroom, and without anybody noticing he went to his room. In most of his foster homes his room was the safest place he could be. Nobody normally went in, he could lay down, but most importantly there was almost always a clear escape route.

For the next few hours Tommy laid down in the guest bed listening to music until he eventually fell asleep, He probably would have slept till the next morning but instead was awoken by knocks on his door.

'Hmm? OH' not wanting to get in trouble, Tommy went to answer the door. "Hey mate, I just came to tell you dinner's ready. Wanted you to come down since you missed lunch." Phil said with the strong aroma of spaghetti follow him. "Ok I'll be down in a sec." 'OH FUCK. OH FUCK.' Tommy was panicking, there were thousands of thoughts and predictions going through Tommy's head of what might happen when he goes down stairs, but still Tommy forces himself to go down stairs.

When Tommy enters their dining room to see techno and Wilbur sitting beside one another (techno looking clearly disoriented). Tommy decides to sit across from Wilbur. When Phil comes back, his hands are occupied with two big plates of lasagna, placing one by Techno and the other in a place (Tommy presumes) he'll be sitting. A minute later Phil comes back with two more plates and four glasses of water.

Unlike breakfast, dinner was tense. It was silent with the occasional sound of forks scraping plates. "Ok, there's something we definitely have to talk about." Phil says in an attempt to break the tension. "Kathryn, I'm not sure if you are really religious or anything but personally me and the boys are atheist. An-" before Phil could finish his sentence, a breath of relief escaped Tommy's mouth. "Oh, thank fuck. I hate church" Tommy only ever been in 7 other foster homes that didn't require him to go to church (having four of those houses just being too lazy to drive there) So this was a real win. "I KNOW RIGHT? It's long, it's loud, and most of the people there are hypocrites!" Techno whined adding on to the conversation. "All we do is sit there and listen to some Pastor tell us everything that's wrong with us!" After Phil brought up the topic of church Techno and Kathryn began discussing Church and Region leaving Phil and Wil (who had no Religion Trauma) to just nod in agreement.

After dinner, the four went to their rooms giving Tommy time to explore and look around the place he'll be staying for a bit. There was a closet, a desk, a dresser, a queen size bed, a window, but the most Astonishing thing in there was a TV. Tommy could really only remember a few times he was able to finish a movie without getting told off (most of those being with puffy) Making this a rare occurrence.

Once Tommy had finished he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Before long Tommy realized he could see the text on the TV. Placing the remote down Tommy went to his bag and pulled out a pair of bright red glasses. Placing them on his face, he went back to the TV and turned on a random movie called UP.

Before Tommy knew it he had fallen asleep but of course was woken up by knocking at the door. Not knowing who it was, Tommy went to answer, It's Wilbur. "Ello." Tommy says, wondering why Wilbur was here. "Morning, Phil says to come down stairs for breakfast." After they're small interaction Wilbur and Tommy head down stairs. "Morning Kathryn." Phil says bringing the young "girl" a Full plate of French toast. "Morning Phil." "Kathryn" says, sitting down at they're kitchen table. "Wanted to know if there was anywhere in particular you wanted two." Phil says taking a seat of his own. "No, not really." "Well I wanna go to the guitar center, and get a new pick" Wilbur says cutting in. "We can go another day Wil, today's supposed to be about Kathryn. Are you sure there isn't Anything you need?" Phil says turning back to "Kathryn". "Well there are a few things I need." Tommy said hesitantly. "How about this? I'll give you a pen and paper, and you'll write down everything you need." Tommy nods and Phil gets up to go find a pen and paper.

After Phil had disappeared, an old face had reappeared. "Morning Wil, Morning Ryn." tec- 'RYN. FUCKING RYN! I KNEW WE WERE GETTING CLOSE BUT NOT THAT CLOSE. WHAT!' "Morning Techno." In that moment it was taking everything Tommy had to stay calm and collective. "Hello Techno Blade" Wilbur said, trying to mock him, but techno ignored him and made himself a cup of tea.

Sooner or later, Phil came back with a pen and paper and gave it to Kathryn to write down the things she needed.

- [ ] Tooth brush

- [ ] Headphones

- [ ] charger

- [ ] Hair brush

- [ ] Hair ties

- [ ] Thread

- [ ] Clothes

- [ ] Underwear

- [ ] pads

- [ ] Socks

- [ ] wash Cloth

When Phil looked at the list a wave of worriedness hit him. It was a normal list in hindsight, but the worrying thing was that these were all essential items. Phil couldn't imagine himself going a day without some of those things.

After Seeing Phil's reaction Tommy lends to take the list away from Phil. "I'm sorry. I can shorten the list if you want. Umm" Tommy said, trying to pull the paper and pen away from Phil. "It's not that it's..." Phil pulled the paper back towards him, but before he could finish his sentence Wilbur cut in. "All of those things are stuff most people need for everyday life and these are just small things." Wilbur said with a concerned look on his face. "How about I'll take you to the mall and you can decide what stores you need to go in." Phil says, rising from his seat. "Alright."

"We're leaving in half an hour so get ready." and with that, the group went to their respective rooms. 

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