Chapter 2

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TW: Mention of Unsafe Binding

The one 'good' thing about puffy not being here is that Tommy could wear his binder for hours on end without anyone ever asking and Tommy takes advantage of that often. The only thing stopping him from wearing his binder everyday non stop is the memory of his nippels falling off after 3 days straight of binding. Once he noticed he panicked and called Puffy, and she had to sit down and tell him about how wearing your binder for more than 8 hours can lead to chafing and your nippels "falling off". After that experience Tommy made sure to never wear his binder for more than 10 hours, though to this day he and Puffy still laugh about that.

End Of TW: Mention Of Unsafe Binding

Tommy sits there thinking about his other past experiences with binding until he hears a knock at his door. When he gets up to answer it he sees it's techno. "Hey, breakfast is ready." and without a second thought techno darts down stairs avoiding any further confirmation. Tommy hesitates, but then decides to go and eat with the Watson's.

"Hey kiddo, I was starting to think you'd never come down." Phil chuckles. "It's just some random assortment of breakfast food. There's a lot so you can take as much as you want." Tommy stared at the table of food before finally putting 2 strips of bacon, a waffle, and some cantaloupe onto his plate.

Tommy was never a really big 'breakfast' person. Come to think of it Tommy was never really a food person, he used to love food. The taste, the smell, when he was younger the thought of even having food made mouth wanna water. But for some reason that all just stopped, and now the thought of even having some foods, makes him wanna puke. So in a way he was kind of grateful he got to make his own plate and not be forested to eat oatmeal or grits in the mornings.

"So how's everything been going, what do you think of your room Kathryn?" Phil says breaking the silence. "It's really nice and spacious." compared to basement's and broom closets, that room was pretty damn big. "yeah, sorry it's kinda bare, we weren't sure of what you liked. But we can go shopping tomorrow if you'd like?". "Sure." Tommy says not caring either way.

Breakfast was going smoothly, with the occasional bickering from the two brothers until Wilbur looked over to Kathryn and noticed she had gone pale. "Ay, you alright mate, you look like you're gonna puke?" Wilbur asked, looking concerned. "Oh it's nothing." 'Kathryn' said hoping they'd shrug it off. "It doesn't look like nothing, Was it something in the food!?" Phil asks, praying he didn't already mess up, only having Kathryn for an hour and a half. "It's just..." was Kathryn really going to do this. 'Well getting sent back now would be much better then having to leave later' Tommy thought. "Tomorrow's Sunday." Tommy said with a shaky voice. "yeah, and the sky blue so what?" Tommy took a deep breath. "That means we have to go to church..." not saying anything else Tommy put his head down, but then quickly brought it back when hearing footsteps. They were techno's. He looked like he'd seen a ghost, and behind him was a worried looking Wilbur. 'Oh Fuck. It hasn't even been 1 day and I've already Fucked up' without a second thought Tommy ran into the Down Stairs bathroom and locked the door.


TW: Self Harm, Panic Attacks, Religious Trauma, Intrusive Thoughts, Slurs, Mention Of Abuse

'WHY WOULD I SAY THAT, OF COURSE THEY'RE RELIGIOUS. WHO IN THIS CRAZY ASS COUNTY ISN'T! What if they break the door down? What if they beat me? What if one of them comes in here and...' Not even thinking about it, Tommy gets up off the cold bathroom floor and he turns the Shower onto the highest temperature, takes off his clothes and steps into the shower.

"YOUR WHAT!" A woman with black hair screamed. "Clare, I think I'm trans." Tommy said with a shaky voice. " JOHN GO GET THE CAR KEYS, THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH KATHRYN! Listen here you little bitch, You are not Fucking gay! You are a Young Cathlic Girl and That is the end of it. We are taking you to the church to see Pastor Dave! We will Not be housing a Faggot!" Clare (Tommy's foster mom) Screams yanking "kathryn's" wrist towards the door. "No... NO! I'M SORRY, I WAS JOKING, I PROMISE! JUST PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME TO PASTOR DAVE'S!" Kathryn Says Crying. "YOU BETTER HOPE YOUR SORRY ASS YOU ARE! DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING THIS IS?! IT'S 6 IN THE FUCKING MORNING AND WE'RE HAVING TO CALL PASTOR DAVE ABOUT YOU BEING GAY? WHAT WOULD THE MY FRIENDS THINK?" Clare says restraining the urge to slap the young 'lady'. The inter 20 minute car ride to the church was filled with nothing but Screaming, Crying and Blaming until they finally arrived at the church. *knock, knock, knock. "Come in." a soft male voice says. "Hello Pastor Dave. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice." John says with an anger basted voice. "It's no problem, this isn't the first time I've seen someone of her age having these kinds of thoughts." Pastor Dave says with a reassuring voice. "We mostly came here to ask you if there was a cure to this? Because if not, I don't think we'll be able to foster her anymore." Clare says with a disgusted look on her face. "Well have you ever consider conversion therapy"

End of TW: Religious Trauma, Slurs

' I can't- i-. This isn't enough- this...' And with that Tommy leaves the shower and heads to they're Medicine cabinet. 'Come on, at least one of them had to have a medical razor. Found it! Now to unscrew...' "Hey Kathryn." Phil says. 'FUCK'. "Just wanted to check on you. You left breakfast pretty fast and you've been in there for almost an hour." fuck. fuck. Fuck. Tommy dropped the razor and his stomach had to pay the price. "Yup I'm fine, No need to worry Big W" fuck what was Tommy saying! "Do you want me to get you some clothes at least?" Phil said, sounding worried. "No Thank You!". "alright mate..." after that Phil left probably to his room, but that didn't matter right now.

'OH COME ON! IF YOU HAVE A RAZOR YOU AT LEAST HAVE TO HAVE A FUCKING PLASTER!' Tommy was frantically searching for a bandage to cover up his wound. The wound stretched from the end of Tommy's rip to the start of his hip, and if that wasn't bad enough Tommy had already had a few bruises from past foster homes. 'Finally.' It took 5 regular sized bandages to cover up the entire wound but it was worth having the cut bleed through his shirt Causing even more problems.

End Of TW: Self Harm, Panic Attack, Mention Of Abuse

I should probably get going before they get even more worried then break the door down... Wait. I DON'T HAVE ANY CLEAN CLOTHES!' Even if Tommy did have his back pack with him, all the clothes in there are dirty. Lounge day in the group home was Saturday and lucky for him, He left on Saturday. So knowing that he opted to wear the clothes he just took off. Although he just took a shower for some reason he still felt dirty.

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