Chapter 14

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Tony's POV Continued
"Then who's the father?!" I gasped. Part of me was relieved, part of me was in anguish, and then part of me was just plain confused. I was mad that Sadie had blocked me when I was trying to explain myself about me and Sommer's baby.

Sommer's face split into a small smirk.

Fucking whore.

"Well, I ran some tests. The baby is the son of your brother." Doctor Flynn answered wholeheartedly.

I sat there in silence, then remembering the time I talked to Sommer when she was in her jail cell.
"I don't know if the baby is yours or Ondreaz's." I also remembered the time I caught her being a whore at the party, fucking my brother in the closet while we were dating.

"I think I'm going to leave, good luck with your child." I murmured.

Everything was already ruined, thanks to fucking Sommer Ray. And of course, myself. I fucked over me and Sadie's relationship by posting about Sommer out of her own manipulation, and the allegations about me weren't helping for shit. The only thing preventing me from joining Sommer in the jail cells was my money and privileged fame.

Everyone was absolutely disgusted by me and hated me.

Sadie's POV
It was a few days after Labor Day, finally September. That summer was awfully eventful, and had its ups and downs. I'm just glad I'm still going to the same college with my best friend Hope. My mental health had improved after I cut toxicity out of my life, for instance, Tony Lopedo.

Hope and I were driving to college for our chosen morning classes, blasting our favorite songs on the radio, not even giving shits.

We parked and got out, entering the doors. She sighed, then faced towards me.

"I hope you don't mind if I go and see Jaden before my first class." She adjusted her backpack on her shoulders while smiling.

"No problem, I have something to do anyways." I replied, taking out my phone. She nodded gratefully, walking away from me and to her boyfriend.

Me: where r u?

Q<3: look to your left

I narrowed my eyes, and turned towards my left. Quinton wasn't there.

Q<3: your other left dummy!

I turned right, Quinton was laughing at me. I stampeded over.

"Not funny you fucking bitch." I rolled my eyes.

"You know you love me." he chuckled.

"Do I?" I laughed after him. "Maybe."

He was grinning, then cleared his throat. And glared right into my eyes, with his charming green ones.

"There was something I wanted to ask you.." he began, running his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah what's up?" I egged him on..

I sort of had a feeling I knew what he was going to ask..

"I know you've been through a lot, and you may not consider this, due to having issues with relationship commitment. And I totally understand don't get me wrong. I've had feelings for you though, and we've been flirting a bit ever since we first texted after the frozen yogurt place. I wanted to know, if you would like to be my girlfriend?"


However, do I really want this?

Quinton's pretty much the only boy I trust, well besides Jaden. But, Jaden's like a brother to me.

"Yes, I'd like that." I smiled, after I confessed to him.

His eyes lit up and his cheeks turned a bit red. "Great, I'm also willing to take you to your favorite restaurant later."

"Really?!" I squealed. "You don't have to!"

"Anything for my queen." he murmured, kissing me on the forehead. "Now, let me walk you to your class..."

As I was walking with Quinton, I felt someone breathe on my neck, and turned.

Tony fucking LOPEZ.

What does this manwhore want now?

"Sadie! You're making a mistake!" he screamed, flailing his arms as the security guards approached him, pulling him out of the building.

"What a fucking creepy ass jerk. Stalker and obsessed motherfucker." Quinton wrapped his arm tighter around me, like protective warmth.

"He's already in the news for touching little kids." I laughed.

20 years later...
A noodle from the macaroni and cheese bowl flung up, and hit the ceiling. Quinton sighed as he washed the counters. Brooklyn and Austin were making mac and cheese noodle canons with their forks.

"Dad, I wish mom was here.." Brooke murmured, tears watering in her hazel eyes.

"I know, I love her. I'm sorry that she's gone sweetie.." Quinton comforted, taking their finished bowls and putting them into the dishwasher.

Austin was munching an apple, while drawing on some plain white paper.

"I heard a car door!" he piped up.

"Let's see who it is." Quinton responded, taking his kids to the window.

And there I was, Sadie Griggs. The mother of Quinton's kids.

"Mommy! I missed you!" Brooke raced over to me, hugging me. Austin quickly joined in, and Quinton smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

This was my family, and I'm glad I didn't choose to be with Tony. Most people thought I would've, but nah, turns out, Tony was put into jail because the allegations were proven to be true. His fame and money didn't save his ass this time. Him and Sommer would be doing community service of cleaning toilets and picking up litter, and not being paid for more than 1 cent every 2 hours. Ondreaz's allegations were false, and he was a single father who raised him and Sommer's son, who is currently in UCLA.

I hugged my husband and my kids with delight, and love. They'd always have me.


A/N: hey y'all! I know this may not be the ending some of you luvs were expecting. but tbh, i didn't know where else to go with this story. i was disgusted w tony lopez's actions and didnt feel right giving him a good rep in my own fanfic. majority of this was written before i found out abt the stuff he did. so after knowing that, i changed up a few things. i'm really sorry if some of you guys didn't like it, i just didn't think it was right making him a good guy when he's a disgusting ass person 💀. nonetheless, thank you for reading!

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