Chapter 5

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                   Sommer Ray turned me to face her. Annoyance was crawling in me as well as anxiety, I didn't know how to react to this.

"What do you think you're doing? Trying to get your lips on Tony." she huffed. "Probably only to get into his pants..."

"I was never trying anything!" I yelled. "Maybe you're doing that, huh Sommer? You have all that cake, you have a large fanbase, and majority of the demographics say that they are boys."

"They know who's queen, that's why." Sommer pulled a section of her hair back behind one of her ears.

Oh she did not just do that.

"Why are you invading my space and instigating like this?" I sighed. "I did nothing wrong, I'm sorry that I got called on stage for the Lights Out Tour and you didn't."

"What's this then?" The tan-skinned Instagram model took her phone out of one of her jeans' pockets, and showed me a viral post. The post was a photo of Tony and I at the café in the non popular part of L.A. I looked at the account that had posted, surely no one was stalking me? I didn't see anyone follow me back from the Lights Out Tour last night or café.

Then I realized.

The waitress at the café had pulled out her phone quickly after setting our beverages and snacks down. The photo was way too close to us, it showed all of our facial features. It was the waitress too! The account's profile picture was a selfie of her.

"We're just friends!" I mumbled, annoyed even more. "Plus, you aren't dating him anyways."

"So? I have him wrapped around my finger." Sommer stared into my brown eyes with her green ones. "I could get him to leave you anytime, sister."

"Look, I'm not trying to get with your so called 'boyfriend'." Actually, maybe I was...

"You sure?" Then she laughed. "You're so cute Sadie!... Yeah I heard him say that on stage last night. I don't want to let little Lopez here fall for a little bitch."

"It's a compliment! Will you calm down? I understand you think you're the queen of all girls and women because boys are majority of fans to you based on analytics... you have a pretty face, body goals, you could get any boy you want, why Tony?! I thought you had something for Machine Gun Kelly."

"That ended. He's too old. But, Tony will be my boyfriend... he won't be yours. If you try getting into his dick or getting him to go out with you, anything of the sort... there will be those consequences. Just a warning sis." Sommer shoved me then walked off.

The look in her eyes anyways, even if she had warned me, she looked up to no good either way.

I immediately entered the hotel room and sat on my bed in frustration. Hope and Jaden entered the room about ten minutes after. They looked like they had seen what had happened, all over social media.

"I'm sorry, Sades." Hope sat next to me and hugged me.

Jeez, sometimes it's so good to have a wifey lmao. More to life than stupid boys, as they say.

"If you want, I could talk to Tony." Jaden comforted.

"It's all good." I started smiling. "I ran into Sommer Ray though..."

"Oh no..." Hope's face darkened into a shade of red, like she was getting pissed off and ready to whip ass. "Spill the tea though."

"She warned me to back off from Tony." I rubbed my face in confusion and stress. "Otherwise, the consequences would come."

"Ugh." Hope grunted. "It's not her place to get involved in any of your relationships or love life for that matter."

"I know, but, maybe it's best if I stay away from Tony then."

"Please don't." Hope was rising in steams of anger.

"Okay okay..." My voice faded off into sadness.

"To cheer you up maybe, Jaden and I were planning to go to the cinema to see The Kissing Booth, and walk around L.A. to shop and explore. Want to come with?"

"After that social media post, no... I think I should lock myself down for a few days."

"Come on!" Hope begged.

"It's fine, I need to rest." I murmured. Hope nodded understandably.

"Want me to get you anything while we're out?"

"StarBucks, I guess."

"Sure!" Hope and Jaden bid their goodbyes and left, the hotel room was left in solitude and silence.

I ordered some fast Mexican food to come to my door from DoorDash.

"Thank you." I muttered as I gave the man the money after thirty minutes of waiting.

I flopped down onto my bed and pulled my hood from my hoodie over my head, started eating my tacos, and continued to binge watch All American on Netflix. A thunderstorm eventually rolled in, and I ended up getting a bit sleepy.. and almost drifted into a slumber.. that is until...

My phone beeped.

MAYBE: Tony Lopez +1(***) *** ****

Tony Lopez: Hey Sadie!

You: Oh hey!

Tony Lopez: Today was fun with you.. remember how I asked u about that date?

You: OFC, why?

Tony Lopez: What day can u do?

You: This Saturday @ 7:15 pm till 12:45 am

Tony Lopez: Sounds good 2 me, cya then cutie <3

You: cya handsome <3

WOAH?! Did I just send that? Now we're flirting over text? I sighed happily and heavily, I set Tony's contact name as "Tony 💕💖" and threw my phone down gently next to me in my arm's embrace. Smiling up into the ceiling, daydreaming, while thunder clapped outside. Flashes of lighting flashed through the window and lit up my face, I was daydreaming, I was on cloud 9 thinking of Tony. It was so peaceful, until something alerted me out of my deep thoughts again.

The hotel room door creaked and the sound of the key card beeped. Hope ran into the room sobbing, her braids all ruffled and flying out like wind behind her.

Jaden wasn't with her.

"Hope!" I yelped. "What happened?! And where's Jaden?!"

She didn't reply and catapulted onto her and Jaden's bed, punching the pillow and letting her tears bathe into it.

That's when, I got a notification on my phone, tapping on it... I gasped.


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