The Warehouse

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The giant warehouse smelled of stale cigars and cheap beer. The lights were too dim in the farthest corners.. And too bright in the center.

Andrew strolled right in like he owned the place, not a care in the world. He just left me standing there like a deer in the headlights.
My head was still swimming from the alcohol. I needed water. Glancing around the open room I noticed the tables, the chairs, the cigarette smoke, and then a full bar off to the left.

I wasn't sure if my legs were ready to carry me that far but I went ahead and took a step anyways. Then another.. And another. Before I knew it, I was standing at the bar and getting a few odd looks.
The men in this place were.. older. Greasy. Smug. Sexist I'm sure. A few men at the far table in the corner were eyeing me.. At that moment a hand slid up around my waist.
"Ladies usually don't stand by a bar, ya know?"
It was Andrew. I could pick that voice out of a million any day. It was smooth and cold. My throat was running dry as I cleared it and announced that I wanted water.
"Alright then princess. Water it is." He said. Andrew slapped his hand down hard on the bar. The man standing at the farther end looked up from the drink he was currently pouring. "Water." Andrew demanded.
The man raised his eyebrows as in shock, shrugged his shoulders, then turned away to fill a glass of ice water.

Sipping on my water I noticed Andrew watching the ring. I followed his gaze and to my horror a fight was in the making. I wasn't so sure now if I was ready to see this. My stomach felt questionable at the moment. Blood and fists slamming into might not be my thing tonight.

"I think I'm just gonna go Andrew." I stated before starting towards the door. Where was I going to go? He drove you idiot.
His hand flicked out to grab my wrist.
"Oh no princess. You wanted a fight. So a fight you're gonna get."
I didn't bring my eyes up to meet his. Instead I let my body turn slightly towards his. My wrist still in his hand. I didn't want him to let go.. It felt.. Demanding. Powerful.
You idiot. Get the fuck out of there.
There ya go again. Saying fuck.
"You're not going to fight are you?" I asked still gazing at the ground.
"Not tonight." he answered without looking away from the ring. "Come." he tugged at my wrist and moved forward. I was left not having any other choice but to follow.

Andrew walked across the warehouse floor. As we approached the ring a few men stared at Andrew. Some men muttered to themselves. Some men turned away. I wasn't sure what to think. Were they afraid? He was a boy for fucks sake. Did they want to hurt him? Who were these men? He led me to a seat at the end of the front row. As we sat down he released my wrist.
Damn you Andrew Flemming
The spot was clammy from his touch. It made me shiver.
Then as if it couldn't get any darker in the desolate feeling warehouse.. The lights went out...and the commotion ceased. Chairs clanked around but besides cold metal it was quiet. Bright white lights above the ring slammed on, showing two men in the ring dancing around one another.
From somewhere over the speakers someone announced the fighters.
"And now for the nights opening event. Fighting tonight we have Jerry 'stingray' Bullock and Stein Rollers."

Wow not much for announcing are we? No long drawn out words? No weights. Heights. Well...

The bell sounded and echoed throughout. At first it was just a dance. These men were built. They were big guys. The kind you see in movies and think... Mmm I wouldn't fuck with that guy. It was so rhythmic. This two step. The bob and the weave of their feet. Then I heard it. I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh. I was yanked from my day dreaming, my full attention now at the man lying on the rings floor. His face was red. Blood red. He limped up to his feet.
Smash. Crack. Hit. Hit. Hit. This guy was killing it. The men started chanting. Stingray, stingray, stingray.
That must be who's winning. He must be famous in this neck of the woods. His fists were like a slow motion movie scene. Hit after hit. The fight was over in a matter of a few minutes. Poor Stein Roller. He was laying in a puddle of his own filth...

We were standing outside the warehouse. Andrew was leaned up against his sleek black car. Sexy. Hot. I just wanna touch him. One touch. One peek. He'd probably snap my arm if I tried to touch him... So I just stood there off to the side awkwardly while he smoked his nasty cigarette. What a douchy thing to do.. After a minute I got lost in my own thoughts because Andrew scared the shit out of me when his car roared to life. I immediately ran to the passenger side door and climbed in.
"Thanks for telling me we were leaving!"
"I figured you'd figure it out."
"You're so rude Andrew."
Silence. He popped the gear shift into place and took off. We drove down the same dark roads and back to the city. Oh the city lights.. So bright. So alive. I longed to run down the bridge under them...just to be free. To feel alive. Maybe I'd stop and climb onto the railing, and shout profanities across the water.
You're not that cool Tori.

"I'll take you home. The guy you came with is probably wasted out of his mind. You aren't driving with him." simply put.
"Do you always have to control things?"
Andrews face distorted ever so slightly.
"Yes." again. Simply put.
"Hmmm. Noted."
Its weird because the rest of the ride home he didn't talk to me. I figured he'd explain the fighting. The warehouse. His bipolar attitude. I really wanted to ask him if he knew Bob the Builder. Then tell him he could fix his shitty ass attitude. But I didn't wanna die tonight...

I never once told Andrew Flemming where I lived. But he knew. He drove me up to a block away. When we were in sight of my house he pulled over and stopped his car. I heard him sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair..
"Don't expect me to always be this nice to you." he said.
I was taken aback at first but then..
"Nice?!?! This was you being nice?!?! "
I sort of shouted.
"Fuck yeah it was. This was me- Andrew pokes himself in the chest- being nice to you!" and with that he shoved my shoulder. Dick face.
"Alright. Well thanks for the lovely fucking evening and being a creep. How the hell do you know where I live?! That's weird!" I really shouted this time. And before he could say a god damn word I climbed up out of his nice fancy black hot ass car and sashayed away, after slamming his door.
Eat that dick head.

Andrew sped off past me down the street. I was left alone on the cold street in the middle of the night. Fuck my life. This swearing thing was getting out of hand. Jesus. I crept up to my house. Dead. Silent. I snuck in the same way I snuck out. I didn't bother to shower. My alcohol effects had worn off. Being around Andrew was intoxicating in itself. I stripped out of my girlie clothes and laid down.
Sleep didn't come easy that night. I was thrilled. I had so much adrenaline. I had too many thoughts. Andrew. The party. The fight. Which was kind of lame. His touch... His voice... The way his cigarette hung loosely from his lips.. Mmm. I wanted more and I was going to get it. After all... I was the closet badass.
And that my dear readers... Is where I leave you. Im sure I spelled things wrong and mis put words. It isn't perfect. Its a filler chapter. Sorry it took so long. Whatever I messed up you'll just have to over look. Until next time!

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