chapter 23

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As I continue to look at Clove as if she's crazy she returns a confused one, "what's wrong?". I answer as soon as the words leave her mouth with a shout "how can't you tell how much I love you?!?". Her confused look turns into a shocked one, "You love me?" she askes shakily. "Of course I do, silly. Why else would I confess it to you in front of all of Panem?". She starts crying, what I assume to be, tears of joy, and pulls me into a tight hug. 

"Haven't I said it before, because I've known for a while now?" I asked curiously. I start just rambling about how much I love her when she interrupts, "I love you too" she whispers back.  My heart flutters at her words and I pull her into an embrace. when we break apart I kiss her, but as soon as our lips stop touching she breaks down crying. 

This time it's not out of happiness, at least I don't think so. "One of us has to die" I make out somewhere in between her sobs. My first instinct is to comfort her, but I would be lying in her face. We both know only one of us can make it out of this alive. It is something for the capital to leave the last to fighting over who dies and who stays alive. 

I mean they do this every year, but this time it's different. This time both of us want the other to survive. "I can't live without you anymore", my heart breaks as I hear Clove desperately voice the words both of us are thinking. "Me neither Clover, I love you", I say into her ear softly and then I make the decision. She'll grow up happy and then I'll be happy if I die. 

I can be happy seeing her from above, while she builds her life and moves on without me. I have. to die, I know that now. But how do I convince her? She will never let me kill myself for her. I know she had a hard childhood and the games have been had on both of us, but she can be happy. I don't think I could be happy without seeing her every day.

She probably doesn't know, but I've had a crush on her ever since my eyes caught hers for the first time. We were very young, but she looked so determined. I just fell in love with the way she threw her knives, the way her hair flowed down from her head, the way her eyes always had some sort of competition in them, and the way she stuck out her tongue when she needed to concentrate. she was flawless and beautiful in every way humanly possible.  

I was positive she would find an amazing partner. Brutus and Enobairia would help her get through it and I could watch over her from above. The plan was perfect and even if I had to die we would both be happy. My decision was final and before she could do anything I picked up the poison and downed the full bottle.

sorry, it took so long, the next chapter will be up before tomorrow.

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