Chapter 15: Hogsmeade

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Y/n's POV:

It's finally the weekend, me, Hermione and Ginny all planned to shopping for our Yule ball dresses. We had also decided to just spend the day in Hogsmeade Village. Even though I am going to the ball with Cedric Diggory, I had still wished to shop for a dress knowing Fred was taking me.

I woke up on the Saturday morning by Hermione. She is so gentle waking people up, compared to George who jumps on people.

I slid my way out of bed, got my clothes out whilst Hermione was in the bathroom showing and doing her hair. I got out a pair of skinny jeans, with a long sleeved top and a plain grey jumper.

Once Hermione was out of the bathroom, I went in, had a quick shower and rinse. Once out I bushed my teeth and put my hair up in a high ponytail with two bits of hair either side of my face. I changed and added my favourite perfume before going back into the bedroom to slip on some black converse shoes.

"You look beautiful y/n" Hermione said.

A smile grew across my face. I actually felt really pretty today.

"Thank you, and so do you Hermione" I replied.

"Thank you y/n" she smiled "Let's go get some breakfast. I bet Ginny is waiting for us"

Me and Hermione walked out of our dorm and into the common room. We walked down the stairs to see Ginny waiting for us on one of the sofas

"Good morning Ginny, you look amazing" I said. She was wearing mum jeans with a tighter looking top that shows her curves beautifully.

"Thank you" she said "you both look beautiful too"

The three of us walked out the common room and down all the corridors to the great hall for breakfast. We walked in and saw George and Lee were waiting for Fred to arrive.

"I'll be over in a minute" I said as the two took seats further down the table

"Morning you two troublemakers" I said to George and Lee as I took a seat next to them.

"Morning y/n, you look wonderful today" replied Lee and George nodded in agreement with Lee.

"I wanted to say thank you for the note you left me the other day" I said.

Both boys faces lit up. That made me happy. I haven't really spoken to my best friends since our fight.

"We thought you didn't see it" George said.

"Everything we said was true" Lee added

"Of course I would see it" I replied "I haven't told you because Fred is always with you"

At that moment Fred walked in with Angelina Johnson. I felt as though I could throw up.

"Goodbye George, Goodbye Lee" I said to them as I stood up and walked to where Hermione and Ginny were.

I stared eating when I heard someone call my name.

"Y/n?" Fred said sadly. "Please-"

"Please leave my alone Fred, I don't know what you could possibly say to me." I cut him off and gave a look to Hermione and Ginny.

"Don't make us do it again" Ginny threatened. Fred immediately walked away. I let out a sigh of relief as I continued eating.

"Do what again?" I asked. Hermione and Ginny explained everything after they left my dorm the other night. I snorted and started laughing.

After we ate breakfast, we made our way back up to our dorms to grab our, hats, scarfs, gloves, bags and money. We met back in the common room before we headed out the portrait hole.

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