Chapter 59: Confessions

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Y/n's POV:
"I'll go home and get ready, I'll see you soon." Ella said as she walked towards the door.

"Yeah, stay safe Ella!" I called as she walked out of the shop and apparated away back to her house.

I walked to my bedroom to pack a small bag, my wand some potions and parchment in case I need to write to Fred, George or Lee. I haven't told Fred about the battle was now, he would be scared and stop me going.

I faint knock hit my door, I opened the door to see Lee standing there with a faint smile on his face.

"Lee come in! Your home early." I said as me and Lee sat on my bed.

"I know, I'm going to Hogwarts because of the battle, but I want to ask you something?"

"What's wrong Lee, you can tell me anything!" I said to him. Lee looked at me in the eye and sighed.

"What does it feel like to be in love?" Lee suddenly spilled, my face turned to a shocked one and a smile on my face.

"It's like a indescribable feeling when someone makes you the happiest you have ever been and you can't imagine life without them." I said with a smile. "Someone you can't stop thinking about."

"Thank you Y/n, it's helps!" Lee replied quietly with his head lower, facing his feet.

"Do you love someone." I asked but I got no reply. "I won't tell anyone, stays between us."

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone." Lee said. Looking up at me with a smile.

"I promise!" I replied to him.

"I like someone. I think I love him." Lee said happily with a wide smile on his face.

"Who is the lucky guy!"

There was a slight pause between Lee and I. His face still has the smile on it, clearly thinking of him.

"George..." Lee muttered, I covered my face with my hand to stop screaming from happiness and excitement.

"Oh my Merlin! Lee I'm so happy for you!" I said, wrapping Lee in a large hug and rocking him back and forward. "I'm so proud of you! Your secret is safe it's me."

"Thank you Y/n! I should probably get ready to go soon." Lee gulped, both of us are fearing about what will happen about the battle.

"I?" I questioned. "It's We!"

"No, There is no chance Fred will let you go, what about the babies!?" Lee whisper-yelled at me, placing a hand on my small bump.

"Bean and Pea will be perfectly fine, I'm going it's my job." I said as I grabbed my bag with Lee. He sighed and we went in his room so he could pack a small bag. He put his wand, potions and parchment in his bag and gave me a small smile.

"Let's go, the ministry will be waiting for us." I said to a nervous Lee.

"Okay, promise you'll be safe?" Lee said.

"Of course I will!" I said. Me and Lee walked down the corridor to see Fred and George, taking casually in the living room before noticing my and Lee's bags in our hand.

"Where are you two going?" Fred asked, half jokingly and half serious.

I sighed a shaky breath before answering. "To Hogwarts, there an emergency and potentially a battle."

"There is a battle, death eaters have gotten into the school." Lee said, not milking his words. Fred's half hearted smile fell immediately and George looked between the two of us worried.

"Your not going Y/n!" Fred said, standing up and walking in front of me.

"I am going Fred!" I responded harshly.

"I think your forgetting that your PREGNANT with TWINS!" Fred said, yelling the words 'pregnant' and 'twins'

"But it's my job Fred! They need me at Hogwarts!" I said back, my anger rising slightly.

"And it's also your job to protect your babies!" Fred quipped at me.

"I know, I don't want to go but I need to. I need to protect the sch-" I started to say but got cut off by Fred.

"I need to protect you and our babies! I can't just let you go and fight where all three of you can get hurt." Fred said, lowering his voice sightly but still anger is present in his voice.

"I won't get hurt Fred." I said, cupping his face with my hands, he leaned into my tough and sighed.

"I can't see you get hurt, I won't be able to cope." Fred said quietly to me, worry now overtook his voice and filled his hazel eyes which were desperately staring into mine.

"I promise I won't get hurt. But I really need to go. I'll send an owl as soon as it's over." I said to Fred, his face softened slightly but still was worried.

"Fine." Fred said reluctantly. "I love you Y/n."

"I love you more Freddie." I said.

He leaned in and our lips connected into a soft kiss, but it didn't seem as happy as other ones and I understood why. Our lips slid over each other's and our tongues slipped into each other's mouths.

We separated and I saw Fred, he is teary eyes and wore a sad and small smile. I returned the smile and waved goodbye. Me and Lee walked out of the apartment, both were too worried and scared to talk. But the last thing I could here before going to the ministry was the faint sobs that came from the apartment. Fred's sobs.

"The ministry of magic." I called. The sickening feeling came to my stomach. But my pregnancy sickness made it much worse.

We arrived to the middle with healers and aurors waiting for portkeys. Me, Lee, Ella and four others clung onto the metal pan filled with nerves.

"Ready?" Lee asked.

"Ready." I responded, and just like that. The portkey took us to Hogwarts, where the dark mark illuminated the sky.

A/n: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all had a great Christmas (of a great day if you don't celebrate it). I'm sorry I didn't post Sunday, I was enjoying Christmas and didn't have three chapters ready to post. So today is Sundays chapter. With a new chapter out this Sunday. Was was your favourite present. Mine was a Apple Watch or a Harry Potter weekly planner because I really need to get organised with my college work. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry if it's boring. See you on Sunday! Have a great day :)


P.S: I realised this is the last chapter of 2021. I hope you all have a happy new year and I'll see you for the next chapter on 2nd January 2022!

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