(Y/N), student of Hololive high school

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The sounds of the your alarm rang through your bedroom, startling you and the couple of birds that sit next to your window every mornings. (Y/N) squints his eyes, not wanting to wake up yet he rolled over on his side and threw a plushie at the alarm, knocking it off the shelf, while you tried to catch some more shut eye.

Almost falling asleep, (Y/N) decides to check his calendar to find out what day it was, to approximately calculate how much more time he had to rest. When he saw it. The fatal two syllable word, Mon-Day.

" Noooo!" You yelled into the empty environment of your house "Not school, damnit!" You groan into your pillow and suck it up. You'll have to go to school eventually. Normally you would be fine with going to school, because you had friends (Surprising, I know) but unfortunately for you it was your first day, at Hololive high school (Great name, I know) and you were a transfer student from somewhere else, and at this new school, you had no friends, and practically no one you even knew.

Added on to the fact your parents were overseas and you were an only child, the lack of communications skills you had was at levels no one could hope to comprehend.

But nevertheless you still had to go to school, as you didn't want to be arrested or something (Who knows what they can do to you if you don't go to school) So you walk slowly out of your bedroom, still recovering from the sleepiness and the crust in your eyes.

Slowly but steadily, you trudge your way into the dining room and look around, trying to spot your favourite cereal. Bingo You had found it, and you snatched the box quickly, as if there was a predator lurking in your house, ready to steal it away from you at moments notice.

Excited for a mouthful of your favourite cereal, you quickly but accurately pour the right amount of cereal that you eat everyday and grabbed the milk from the fridge like a pro, after all, you did do this same exact routine everyday for the past half a year or so with no one bothering you or interrupting your routine because you were always home alone whenever your parents went overseas without you

Munching on some cereal, you did some research on the school you were going to be attending for the next 2-3 years as you were a year 10 student already, what you found out so far was that you were in class 10-A and that there were 5 other students, so it was a really close community.

The only reason there were only 5 others was because this was the special class for the people with really high skill, determined by a school teacher of any school.

It was often considered the highest honour to be places in class 10-A as it meant you were one of the smartest of them all. The only twist was, is that class 10-A, already having the skill to work independently, most of their projects, and assignments would be done with a partner, and the pair the teacher chose, would be the pair you would have all the way until graduation.

The only real reason they gave you pairs was to make sure you developed your team working skills and such to make sure you wouldn't get screwed over later in life because of your lack of team communication skills.

After finishing the cereal and the milk, you sat there for a bit more as you still had more time until school so you might as well do some more research on your home for the next 3 years. After doing some web surfing you found some information

The school provided 2 person dormitories for each class which was pretty grand as you didn't have to worry about paying the fees for your parents house here either which was pretty cool, so one less problem to worry about basically.

The dorms seemed pretty average to you, but it wasn't bad. IT wasn't too luxurious so that it would make you feel rich, but not too down in the dumps that it gave you the impression it was a budget dormitory, in fact it was just right in your opinion.

Inside the dorm itself, there should be a bunkbed for you and your partner to sleep on, a kitchen (Which you thought was pretty cool) although there was a already a school cafeteria. There was a bathroom with one toilet, a sink and a shower and basically all the necessities. There was also a balcony for those times students wished to get a breath of fresh air outside

What made you gasp was, there was even a provided fridge in it as well. Sure, it was one of those smaller fridge's that only went up to your chest height but hey, it was still a fridge right? And you weren't gonna complain.

But moreover, what surprised you the most, and you were glad you had read this after you finished eating cereal, was that there would be multi sex pairings as well, that means there weren't only gonna be boys with boys, and girls with girls, but there were gonna be a pairing of them as well.

You silently prayed to yourself that you wouldn't get paired with a girl though, as you were already shy enough around guys and adults, but girls your age? It was a total no no. The last time you had even attempted to talk to a girl, you fell over and splat yourself against the ground. It was not a fun experience.

Sighing, you get up and check the time, 8:25, plenty of time as walking to school only takes 20 minutes or so without any distractions. You figured it would make a good first impression if you were earlier than usual on your first day, so you went back into your room to get changed into uniform.

It was nothing fancy, it was nothing special; a white dress shirt with a tie, and black shorts with a good looking blazer, with the pocket engraved with the symbol of an Eagle. Pretty snazzy you thought to yourself. You slipped your shirt off to pout the uniform on, but not without striking a few poses in the mirror before turning around at extreme velocities to make sure no one was watching you even though you lived alone.

Who knows. That ghost that probably resides in your cupboard might be having the time of his life right now, laughing his butt off at you. Next, after you had put the dress shirt and the tie on, you slipped off your pants, and threw them onto your bed. Grabbing the school shorts from the your dresser, you slipped them on and did the belt up. Looking at yourself once more in the mirror, you fixed your tie and walked out of your room into your empty house.

Making sure to grab the keys you turn around to your door and open it. Once more, inspecting your fly to see if it was done up (It wasn't) you embarrassingly zip it up quickly so no passer by could see. If it weren't for your memory to check and recheck your fly every now and then otherwise you would've already died of embarrassment.

Walking out of the door, you take a deep breath, signifying you were ready to start your new life in a new school. But unbeknownst to you, a certain shark girl would change your life forever and ever, in a good way, that is, a very, good way.

A/N: Booyah! the first part of the story is out, and 1293 words, I'm pretty impressed with myself. Anyways, in the next part, you'll be meeting our beloved shark girl. Remember, if you guys have any requests episodes, or even ideas for the plot, please comment them here. Remember to vote for this story and share!

See you guys!

Hololive High (Modern high school AU) (Gawr Gura x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now