Brawl in the shopping plaza

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"Alright, I guess its just us two then!" You exclaimed to Gura, who had a smile on her face.

"Yeah, it is isn't it?" She laughed. You smiled back at her and began to think on where you needed to go shopping

'Aha, so the first reason we're here is to shop for our science project right?" You ask, speaking to yourself, "Yeah, so lets go to the craft store first, and then we can go into the actual city plaza itself for the clay. Solid! And we can see if there's anything special we can get us well!" You say, added more things on every time you spoke

"Sounds like a solid plan to me, how do you come up with these things so easily?" Gura asked you, giggling slightly at your skill to be able to come up with such good day plans. Truthfully, you don't really know where you had gotten that skill but you weren't complaining. You liked the ability to be able to have good plans for a day

"Ehe, I don't know either, guess its just a skill I have" You said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your nape and smiling. You start walking and Gura follows you, half skipping, half walking, she smiles happily like a child who had recently received something good.

You smile at Gura's adorable antics and admire her happiness. Ever since you had met Gura, you've always been happy around her. She made you feel lighter and happier, and like your world was bright and worth living for. Little did you yourself, you were slowly falling for the girl herself.

Thinking about it for a while, you muster up the courage and the balls to make a move on the girl you secretly liked. So, scrunching your eyes up and praying to god, you slowed down so you were walking right next to Gura, and grabbed her hand, not like a normal couple holding hands, but enough so that your hands were holding onto hers, and enough to make you two both blush madly.

You look over at Gura for any signs of discomfort in her face, but surprisingly you didn't see anything negative, in fact, you only saw her blushing madly with a wide silly grin on her face. She looks at you, blushing even more as her smiles grows even bigger if possible.

You feel the corners of your mouth slowly tug up as your own face gets a wide and silly smile. You noticed you two had stopped for a while now and you begin to walk forwards, tugging Gura's hand as she begins to walk at the same pace as you, both of you still blushing furiously.

Eventually, after a moment of walking, the two of you walk at the same pace, with the same footstep placement. Eventually, Gura began to move her fingers between yours, separating your fingers so that she could intertwine them. You blushed really hard, but intertwined your fingers with Gura as well.

You felt your heart get quicker and quicker by the minute and you could practically sense your face hot enough to probably cook an egg. The two of you keep walking, hand in hand, still both blushing. But all good things must come to an end, and the two of you made it to the crafts store.

Deciding you didn't really care, you took Gura's hand and dragged her in the arts and crafts store and smiled brightly at her while she grinned back. The two of you not having said a word for the whole time.

On first entering, you felt the cool aircon of the store blast into your face, cooling both you and Gura's blush not as red as before. You take Gura over to the glue and clay aisle and started to look at the available options

"So Gura, which type of clay were you thinking of?" You ask, like your totally not holding her hand.

'Well I was kind of thinking about just the standard modelling clay over there" Gura said, pointing towards the clay at your head height.

"Ah ok, nice choice," You return, smiling at her. You grab the clay she mentioned and you both walked down to the cash register. You say hello to the person standing behind it as he scans your clay (Don't you dare ask) and tells you the price, $10.00, it seemed reasonable.

Hololive High (Modern high school AU) (Gawr Gura x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now